All of the relevant issues from Bahá’í News are available online here:
This is nothing but a hypothetical danger. It's very unlikely that the Bahāʾī Faith will ever establish a one-world government or cement itself as a one-world religion. Now, these are dangerous ambitions in themselves, but the more real and more immediately present danger of the Bahāʾī Faith is...
If you study the Bāb's writings, he never refers to his religion as the "Babi Faith" or anything along those lines but rather articulates all of his claims within an Islamic framework. He is in no way non-Islamic per se, but rather post-Islamic, Islamic in the same sense that post-Keynesian...
Can't wait for absolutely nothing to happen to Trump and for liberals to act so surprised, as if the people they dismissed as "Russian trolls" haven't been trying to tell them for two years that there's no way a Republican FBI agent who lied about WMD's in Iraq of all people is ever going to...
I have done quite a bit of research into the idea of reincarnation (tanāsukh) as it relates to Islam and as the doctrine was expressed by certain heterodox Shī'a groups, and though I've yet to completely make up my mind on this issue, I'll bite.
First of all, I don't really think there is any...
When speaking of the personalist idea of God that most people have in their minds, this is an argument that can be used to show the logical incoherence of such an idea, but its use ends there. To use this argument against the conception of God that we find in esoteric Islam is, so to speak, a...
Speaking from my own background, for those who have immersed themselves in the Islamic esoteric tradition, there is no conflict whatsoever between these statements of Jesus expressing this kind of 'high Christology' and the theology of Islam. When we look at texts such as the Gospel of John—and...