Well, we know that no matter how incompetent Labour might be, the Tories are, without the tiniest doubt, many times worse, with a still-steaming track record to prove it.
So what's your solution? Give the government to the SNP?
But not who you've been? Then where is any identity between your previous self, of whom you know nothing and with whom (I take it) you share no genetics?
What do you mean, "live again"?
In your present body?
In some other body, and if so, what?
Disembodied in reality? Then how will you perceive reality, without sense organs?
Disembodied nowhere? Assuming that can be distinguished from being dead, it's not something I'd wish for, so what's the...
As I mentioned, in the Garden story it's God who misspeaks, and the snake who tells the truth ─ they were not going to die in the day that they ate of the fruit, and they did not die.
Nor at any point in the story do they reject God. Instead, God, frightened that they might also eat from the...
In the Garden story, and indeed in the Tanakh, there is no suggestion that Adam and Eve sinned or that as a result mankind "fell".
The ONLY reason God gives for expelling them from the Garden is set out in Genesis 3:22-23. It states that God was afraid A&E would eat from the Tree of Life and...
As I understand it, the great majority of cultures around the world, now and in known history, have had an origin myth or collection of myths to account for how come the world is like it is and we're all in it, including origins of the earth, its features like mountains and oceans, the weather...
Nothing in the story suggests that the snake is a liar. On the contrary, the only ─ shall we say, misspeaking ─ is God's statement that if they eat the fruit they'll die the same day.
The story is explicit that they had no knowledge of good and evil before they ate the fruit.
I agree. He's...
I define 'truth' as a quality of statements, and a statement is true to the extent that it accurately reflects / corresponds with objective reality.
And since I don't have a monopoly on statements, i don't have a monopoly on 'truth'.
If by 'religious beliefs' you mean supernatural beliefs, I...
Yep, as a Pisco.
My parents thought that good manners required such observances.
I had a time of religious enthusiasm when I was 14, and was confirmed (a practice I'm told has since fallen into desuetude). Not long after, I'd drifted completely away. It never felt relevant.
It ain't rocket science.
It's simply the principle that a woman is the captain of her own body up to the point where the fetus is entitled to rights of its own. See Roe v Wade >Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia<, with which I agree.