Specifically on the bit about native americans being a lost Jewish tribe we know that to be false. The Native Americans crossed over the ice bridge around 12,000 years ago which is earlier than some Mormons believe the universe to be. We also know that they are more genetically related to asians...
Alrightly lets take a look.
This is an archaec relic of the past. It is not the way science is conducted today. But I will assume you would want the current sciencifc methods instead.
A good question. Its a fundamental question that we ask from the time we are very young. Scientifically...
I'm going off exactly what you just said. Would you like to re-word it?
The laws of nature is purely devoid of feelings. If you want to get into free will and cognitive decision making skills or the development of chemical releases in the brain we can. However we were talking about the laws of...
No. You can't emotionally come to terms with it so you have to have a crutch. It isn't a logical but emotional based decision on your part. You said so yourself in the first sentence here. But the reality of our universe isn't subject to people's feelings.
I read up on a few of the people you listed and then onto the Ganzfeld experiment.
The biggest issue with the Ganzfeld experience was 2 part. First is that the video evidence didn't have sound and was not conducted in a soundproof room. So faking that evidence would be easy. The second part is...
I didn't give a specific answer because I know that accredited universities and similar research facilities do not have the evidence you speak of. I wanted to see what kind of groups we are dealing with? Is it Ghost Adventures TV show or is it some random guy in India who claims to have pictures...
And thus we have located the root of your problems here.
So is life so perfect that it had to have been created or is it flawed? I mean it seems like no matter what we find you will curve it back around to "see isn't god great". There is no disqualification for your theory. This piece alone is...
Not overall. Its a nice boom for a few people who write books and Ken Ham. But its actually putting a slight drag on scientific advancement which inevitably puts a drag on our economy.
Has it been repeated? Was it documented? How was it documented? If you have verified evidence then it is verified evidence.
eh. I"m editing this pretty late but if you see it before responding to save time/post energy just find the best source. A singular best source that you can think of and...
I am reading this through lenses that correct my perfect vision that is designed perfectly for my needs..... right...yeah...yup. Dwell on that a moment.
I don't think we will agree on this because you see "to be treated well" as okay when I see "unequal" as bad. Reguardless of how "well off" someone is inequality is a negative. And since past it has kept women out of politics. It has kept women from owning property ect.
I also find it strange...
I have no quarrel with someone who wishes to live by some of the basic rules Jesus taught. I mean the real meaty bits of his message is that you must submit to god and to worship god. Those are not moral or helpful things but if you can take his "lessons" for morality and separate them from the...