Are you trying to say Marvel isn't an accurate source of Norse mythology? But... But... The incredibly objective historical institution known as Ancient Aliens said that gods are just early alien visitors just like Marvel! And that's on the History Channel!!!!! They can't put fake stuff on...
In contrast to planning to die, most certainly.
I don't really consider it a realistic goal, and I'm not exactly taking steps to 'make' myself immortal. So far, nothing but the past lives of others indicates that I will eventually die. Why take it for granted?
No, you're just speculating.
I would speculate that convoluted theories of word origin originating from people who care little for the subject are a constant thorn in the side of people who care enough about it to make it a career.
Yes. Any thought, word or deed performed without consideration to deity is atheistic by nature. Brushing your teeth is a good example. Most people do not consider divine input when brushing their teeth, thus it is atheistic.
An atheist (especially when the label is self-applied) is someone who...
I used to hate connect-the-dots when I was a kid. They always put those numbers on the dots that trick you into thinking there is a picture there. When you do it the real way it's always a spiderweb. Spiders are taking over and nobody is concerned.
Hai in Japanese means yes.
Hi in Amercanese means hello.
Clearly, the Japanese word must have been brought by Americanese traders (known as great seafarers) and was adapted from "yes I see you there on your trading ship hello"
Just another version of speaking for God. No God has ever told me who their messenger is. Only the messengers themselves. Its the same thing. I am far more apt to glean wisdom from people who aren't trying to trick me into believing them before evaluating what they say. That's just a rule I...
Well, I don't mean to push my beliefs on you or anything, but have you considered the fact that Orks are both the biggest AND the strongest? The great prophet Ghazghul Mag Uruk Thraka spray painted that on a wrecked tank once, and he's incredibly large even for an Ork. He even has a large name...
Regarding the self-centered:
Anyone who speaks on God's behalf seems to do so without any authority and is therefore attempting to borrow God's infallibility and paste it onto their own personal ideas in an effort to avoid any and all argument from critical evaluation if their...