Standing by as an observer and passenger with an opinion, I have witnessed apparent concern that individual states could implement a new era of slavery and slave labor, if given the authority to self-govern as states. As a republican, I find this a fictitious and misleading fear tactic aimed to...
Declaration of independence reads that "all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
I would think slavery to be more so outdated than old iron cash registers, and if you consider the...
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, was the day I made my formal announcement of acceptance. It can be a difficult thing for a man to let go. For 36 years, I've been active in how this nation operates. My first real act of participation (on a national level) was in support of Al Gore, 1990's era. I've...
He stood on four, head held high.
He didn't bother asking about the guy.
There was no hesitation to back the man up.
He had a warrior's heart even as pup.
When I let him know, all was well ...
No problem at all, he just wagged his tail.
He then sat on his butt for the man to see,
how he loved...
I thought we were speaking about each states deciding their own policies.
My apologies.
I stay out of abortion issues. It's not my body nor my decision...unless and/or until a pregnancy is planned by the wife and I, at which point I would have a say in the matter. I'm not married, nor do I...
You're the only one bringing up slavery. Which aspect of our citizenship would equate to slave labor? Also, if federal government holds the reigns, where do we have a voice as citizens? Federal is a broad brushed application whereas greater state authority would better isolate adopted policies...
Curtailed for what reason? I would the think the point would be, specifically aimed to create communities able to accommodate the needs of the many, as state assemblies of like-minded citizens. It would help increase the overall ability to cooperate and get along as a body who represents the...
Local politics aimed to address local needs seems more so appropriate than the broad brushed strokes applied by federal mandates. I do wonder how this might affect travel aims and the prospect of setting down roots in communities more apt to accommodate our personality types moving forward.
I've been around
and I've noticed that
people are crazy
and that is that.
If not for crazy,
I'd be left alone
for it's in the crazy
That I found a home.
Not to seem contrary or anything, but what is it about being a little crazy that is so off setting? I border line between crazy and...
In the scenario that it is left up to state legislature to determine whether gun sales and/or ownership is permitted in any given State, how many of us would run to a state who decides "no guns" for greater safety and security, to get away from the dangers that guns pose to us as citizens...
State decisions and self-governance seems to be the common denominator in today's policies. It equates to less government control over our small state minority, majorities. I'm viewing it as if we're becoming more like townships as states, and our communities are becoming more like households...
I bought this one, read a few pages and set it down for a while. It wasn't long before someone wanted it and asked if I would be willing to leave for them to read. I've yet to read it all, but I plan to. I gave my original copy away.