I don't think malfunction is the right word at all. Function seems better to me. What is it supposed to be doing and why that instead of what it is doing?
Dude, you used bad science and you are doing it again. Just stop already. Mainly stop pretending its our fault. You are faced with a similar problem with volume.
Volume is what you call 'taking up space', by the way. Yes, this is me getting hung up on terminology. You don't know the simplest...
Nope. Only that it would present an opportunity.
I'd have to know for sure I suppose. I don't really sense gods as it is so i don't know if this applies to me, really.
I don't think so. People are still people. The world is still the world.
I suppose I would just have some questions...
What is the difference between existentialism and existencism?
The difference is very simple. Existentialism is a philosophy, and existencism is not a word.
Atheism is one of these. Guess which one I think it is? The first. It IS a word. People often say the literal form of the word is...