My priest told me that Kali does the work of transformation in Tamas, and in any regard all Three gunas need to be transcended regardless. Isn't that the point of Bhakti is to overcome all karma?
Story of Three Thieves | Devi Mandir
Dattatreya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They have a Murti to this deity at my local *American* temple.
He is apparently very popular. He is the Trimurthi as one deity.
In no real order; I admire the compassion Mahayana Buddhism, the goddess *I know they refuse to call it this* worship of Vajrayana Buddhism, the Marian devotion and devoted saints in Christianity, the sense of community in Judaism, the holyness of the Imams in Shia Islam, the love of god in Sufi...
I have always admired the Sikhs, and their martyrs, along with the Shia and the holy family and the Sufi lovers of god, and the various Christian saints who lived selfless lives and the Kabbalists who quiet their minds to know the Truth.
The struggle to know and respect god is the one worthy...
My goddess is no mere symbol, nor is her husband. Lord Shiva and Mother Kali are as real as the cleaning rain and the blasting thunder in a summer rain, as real as the bone chilling cold and pure white blanket of snow, as real as the burning heat and liberating light of the puja fire, as real as...
Kalidas? This has been my username the whole time, I am not a Kalidas unless that is a nickname.
But is always nice to meet another devotee.
Like how one drunk knows another, says Rumi, the lover of god knows another!
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita - Kathamrita here is a free, modern, legal upload of a translation of his greatest body of sayings
Always grateful to help a brother or sister in need!
As a fellow devotee, I would suggest some books.
In Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and Its Meaning: Devadatta Kali: 9780892540808: Books
The Devimahatmya is the Bhagavad Gita of Shaktism. The passages on the permanence and transcendent yet incarnate nature of Mother...
I want to say this, because this just screams out for my attention.
I am not a Shaivite, but I love Lord Shiva, dearly. He is beautiful, merciful, pleasant god who resents nothing, and is all forgiving. Lord Shiva is famous and infamous for just how generous he is with his grace, and just how...
I am very much a Daoist sympathizer and used to be a Proper Daoist. As a hindu, I do not think anything in Daoism conflicts with my religion is the least.
Namaste MysticSang'ha! I have a few questions I would like to ask, if it is alright.
What do you know of Chod? I know the basic idea it is sacrificing your body to gods and demons to be fed to them in both healing them and killing your ego, but I am sure there a deeper meaning to that. The...
That area seems to be devoid of any posts. Do I just make a new one? How does it work? Forgive my ignorance, I have never really been on a "large" forum.