To get on topic I have seen a change recently with the press moving away from Obama worshiping
Recycled the hard drives really?
Even the left is becoming concerned.
A Hillary presidency will just be more of the same with more gun control which will just peal off more of her base.
They never learn.
Sadly, Republicans will not be much of an improvement.
Here is my attempt to get this thread back on topic.
It is about Ohio and their regulations.
Ohio needs jobs, more regulations are counterproductive to that.
Forcing Ohio to a standard the rest of the world does not have to live by is unfair competition.
We live in a world market and making...
Sure it does your wanting others to do what you find moral instead of applying your morals yourself.
Have you reduced your carbon foot print, I have.
There is a big difference between leading by example and preaching to other folks to do your bidding.
Basically you want others to solve...
The problem with socialism is, we run out of other folks money.
Why not have global socialism? Drinking water for everyone.
We flush our toilets with clean water for Gods sake.
You know why global socialism will not work?
Because we have limited resources and we all would be poor.
We could...
Luis, here is how I see it. Mankind is like a cancer on this earth. We are killing this planet. There are too many people on earth and we will continue to grow until the planet cannot sustain us.
The use of chemicals enables us to feed more folks, cheap energy provides goods and services we...
This is the biggest problem with religion today. People have this impression that they have to lead perfect lives.
All men are sinners, everyone falls short. Our best acts are nothing but filthy rags before him.
I believe all that is required is to repent and make an effort to do better...
Dottie if you believe we have a moral imperative to go green why not start with yourself?
Do you drive a hybrid? If not why?
Don't you think if we are going to spend a huge amount of money we should reap some results other than feeling all warm and fuzzy?
I would rather see us provide clean...
Your comparison falls flat. We can refrain from killing each other by Nobel actions alone.
No one needs other folks money to stop violence.
Renewable energy requires money we just don't have.
The fact that I live green changes nothing.
The fact that if our nation became green changes little...
How you come to this conclusion when I live green is truely laughable.
How many trees have you planted in your life time?
No matter how green I become, or our nation for that matter, global warming issues will not be affected.
Would I like to see more green technology? Sure I would but...
The California economy might be leading the nation but the States check book is in the red.
Yes people come to Cali to make their fortune but don't stick around to pay the draconian taxes for too long.
But hey what do I know, I live in an off grid home while my good friends here power thei computers with coal powered electricity.
They want other folks to provide them with renewable energy:
Just as when electricity rates become unaffordable, they will want the nanny government to foot the...
You completely miss my point, we may have expensive renewables here some day but China and India will still burn coal and make everything on the planet.
This is kinda like you recycling while I burn trash next door, the neighborhood still stinks.
You want to solve a global problem with a...
And yet our government thinks in the short term borrowing money we do not have and will never be able to pay back.
Talk about short sightless destined to backfire.
the same rate? That would be zero for the majority of Americans.
Perhaps you are talking about capital gains?
Once again, why would a corporation stay in the States when we all ready have the highest rate world wide?
It's not the tax rate silly, it should be half of what it is now and...