Once again, it specifically says that he regrets making them, not that he regrets what they themselves have done.
"The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled."
It means so at the time, yes. You may change your mind about something being a mistake, but if you regret doing something at that moment in time, then you believe it is a mistake.
Also, that would mean that God's thoughts can be contrary to what is actually true. (i.e. him believing we are...
And that doesn't seem the least bit strange to you? Animals whose teeth and digestive systems were obviously meant to actually take in meat to begin with, yet still are herbivorous for some reason.
Then what did carnivorous animals eat? Plants wouldn't have had the nourishment to sustain them, and they couldn't kill prey. Would there have been grazing lions/tigers/bears?
"And the LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled." -Genesis 6:6
How can you regret something that you don't believe is a mistake?
I did not. I was asking if that is what you believed. Either it is a mistake, God purposely brought it upon them, or just doesn't care enough to do anything about it.
No, mandatory worship is not a common belief in deism, as it is generally believed that there are no consequences for refusing to do so. However, if you wish to worship God, you may certainly do so. I do at times... just not within the walls of a church or temple.
That really depends on the...
But what about the children born from two healthy parents, yet still have a defected child? A couple that goes to my aunt's church were both completely normal and healthy, yet managed to have a child with Down's Syndrome. How is this so in a world which is supposedly designed by a sentient being?
The world is, undoubtedly, a world full of biological flaws; Down's Syndrome, Harlequin Ichthyosis disease, birth defects, extra limbs, missing limbs, vestigial organs, etc. How do supporters of intelligent design explain these flaws in humans, (as well as animals,) while maintaining a belief...
Who's to say it's not a conspiracy? What if the gays and the feminists have joined forces to try and create an army of duck screwing lesbian terrorists?
Hello, and welcome to the forums. As for the idea of "once saved, always saved," I, personally, could never bring myself to believe in it, even when I was a practicing Christian. It never seemed like a fair and justifiable doctrine to me. I couldn't help but think of this hypothetical scenario...
According to Pat Robertson, we also have sex with ducks, practice witchcraft, are responsible for 9/11, and have the power to make women leave their husbands and become lesbians. We are not a force to be reckoned with.
First time I've seen us compared to murderers. It's usually pedophiles and zoophiles. Mainly in the form of "hurr hurrrr if ghey peeple can marry, why can't I marry muh goat herrrp derrp."
I've already put up that exact same article about homosexuality in animals in an earlier post. It does no good, they'll just ignore it and continue with their rhetoric.