I've always found that to be a cop out answer of sorts. Christians can't logically explain why their god does the things he does, so they just pull the "God works in mysterious ways" card.
Or possibly frottage. :flushed: I feel like we are probably teaching this poor soul more about sex, than the entire public school system has taught all of us combined.
In whatever our heart condems us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.
Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all.
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or...
Of course I understand the meaning of regret. Also, if God really is omniscient, then couldn't he have foreseen what was going to happen beforehand, and wouldn't he have stopped it before said regret could take place?
Fair point. I should have probably said "my interpretation of God."
Agreed. I was only joking about me believing God looks like George Carlin. Merely a ruse.
Agreed. Transexual is not an orientation, it's just the transition from one gender to the other. It is completely possible to be trans and straight, trans and gay, trans and bi, trans and pan, and trans and ace.
Which is fine, if we were not talking about an all-knowing being. If that were to happen, an all-knowing being would have no regret for his actions, because he knows for a fact that it is not his fault.
If you are absolutely 100% sure that something has to be done, you wouldn't regret doing it. Regret comes from doubt as to whether or not you have done the right thing.
I respectfully digress. Agnosticism is a reasonably derived approach to the existence of a deity as well. I would go so far as to say that they probably have the upper hand as far as philosophies go, seeing as God cannot be 100% proven nor 100% disproven. We each weigh the evidence from both...
God regretted the fact that he created humans. It says so in black in white. How could one regret what they have done, and not believe it is a mistake? Please, by all means, riddle me that.
Sure thing. The spell Creatus Lesbianis will create your very own army of feminist lesbians. We could create an army mighty enough to bring the great St. Robertson to his knees.