Let me try. We put Indians on reservations removing their language, religion and anything else we did not approve of indoctrinating their children to change future generations of their heritage.
Removing religion from the school system is similar in nature.
Absence of religion is...
To be the Devil's advocate however, (personally when I see a debate and Hitler is invoked you lose) I have read threads in this forum where members have mentioned an uprising or revolt by force. I'm not so sure these folks are against putting the ultra rich heads on sticks.
Jeff, I believe the Rabbi is very well read and has an extremely open mind. Why is it you debate from a personal level implying anyone who has a different opinion than yourself must be misinformed and in need of being educated? This is condescending and dishonest debate tactics.
I think you may be on to something here Luis. The best way to test your theory is to do the exact same thing to a different group and see how it comes across.
Do you believe there is not a more recent bred attitude of not critisizing homosexuality?
How about the bred attitude of being PC...
Here is the real world it's not easy at all. Hearts can be broken and real tears can fall. The boys don't always get the girls here in the real world.
Quote from some country and western song. I wonder what would happen if you played the song backwards?
The bottom line here, many folks don't...
I have seen blood lust in many hunters. I have never took any pleasure in killing. I don't hunt that much, and look at it as harvesting to reduce herds for the well being of the species. I would not shoot a baby coon in my trash.
No offense Alceste, but your neither American or a millenial. You have to admit the Democrats will never have the energy again like when they did when Obama first got elected.
Lets have an apples to apples debate with science of thousands of years ago to make a level playing field with religion.
Do you believe our current science will look smart a couple of thousand years from now?
At the very least, you have to admit religion is at a disadvantage here.
I was speaking of Millennials who are miffed by the ACA. Just wait till next year when their tax refund checks get fined and the future rates and penalties rise.
Enter the GOP who says they will abolish the ACA..... Think it through, we will get your income tax checks back for you. You can now...
I believe Democratic Govenor George Wallace was in the clan as well. Funny no GOP members elected to any high offices can say that.
It just goes to show the hypocrisy of the Democratic party thinking they should receive the minority vote.
LOL, she said, "Rick where are the cows?" I told her I was no longer interested in tending to them. It's not like she ever fed them in Winter. It was totally my decision just like if she chooses to change jobs or quit all together. It is her call to make.
She loves our home and will never move...
I believe many relationships think of marriage as ownership. Think about it, men tend to control deeds and titles to what they own and can access them at any given moment knowing exactly where they are. Who keeps the marriage license in a relationship?
I believe jealousy and possesiveness is a...