What kind of sacred food does your religion (or others you are familiar with) have? As a sacrifice or way to get more spiritually in touch that may have been blessed in some way. Examples are the Eucharist in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, Sacrament in LDS, prasad in Hinduism.
Hello I am starting to name peope I admire every day or so in this thread to see what other people think of them. Also fun stories and facts and quotes about them.
I have heard that certain shamanistic tribes in Siberia revere the bear and/or the tiger and since many linguists and ethnologsts beieve the Koreans had thir origin in Siberia I was wondering if thy did also.
My real name is Peter but only my parents call me that. A few years ago I found out that I actually do have Spanish heritage, and am a direct descendant of Ferdinand and Isabela, albeit through an ilegitimate line.
oh ok. Just to clarify I wasn't fauling you on using wikipedia or accusing you of using it as your only source. It's just that wikipedia articles on obscure religions are often short and sometimes sound like a missionary tract, either for or against the group.
Wow thanks a lot! Anyone know of other sources other than wikipedia about these groups? I always thought the "Church of Scientology" was more like Christianity mxed with scientific insights.