Get serious, children. Knowledge of scripture is does not impress God. God has provided that we in this world should communicate with each other with words. But He has also placed us in an imperfect world. This imperfection is design to direct our attention to what is yet more perfect. That...
People are not born evil. But they are born IGNORANT. The state of ignorance in which people are born is not a curse but a GIFT from God. For us to utilize our free will we must be ignorant or unaware of ANY spiritual influence and thus choose our own paths in life. It is through our free will...
"When the holy spirit comes He will help you to remember what soever I have taught you. (paraphrase)
Do not search for the perfect Bible. Search your heart as a faith child of God, believe what Christ has taught and then DO those things. Remember the greatest commandment. Thou shalt love...
First I'd like to say that I don't believe there is a set way that God speaks to every one. I've come to believe that God truly respects the diversity his created intelligences and intimately knows what methods of communication are best and most effective to get the attention of His children...