Yes but what about the verses that says to slay the pagans wherever you find them? And the verses when not supported by hadiths... become kind of scary >_<
Some people NEED to be ignored. I can think of two reasons. The first is harassment. And the second is because they are just so thick headed that nothing gets to them
Well there are many people who are Muslim here. But I live in a majority Mexican/Catholic area. I myself am Mexican :p
Of my four best friends, only two are Muslim. The other two being atheist.
All I know is that they are persecuted in Iran. No one I know really speaks about Baha'is. so I am not sure. I believe that their prophet is a false one yes, but I wouldn't persecute him or his followers.
When the scholars wrote that it was permissible, they did not know the harmful effects of smoking. They recently did a poll and it was unanimous that smoking is haram.
They are fellow monotheists. So we have that in common :D
One of my good friends is Sikh, and many of my Muslim brothers have Sikh friends. I personally have no problem with them, nor do the brothers at the masjid, but IDK over all sorry :/
Hmmm well I don't really know how to answer that. It is normal for me. I never knew what it feels like to be Muslim in a Muslim majority country so IDK ahahaha
Sometimes I get rude remarks (especially when I dress in traditional Islamic clothing) but overall everyone is tolerant. There are a lot...
There are woman only gyms near where I live too. In fact, one is just down the street. It would take me maybe ten minutes to walk to it :p
but I am not a woman. Just saying hahaha