What else is new? Israel is just filled with terrorists. If it were a Muslim doing this it would be all over the news, but God forbid they do the same for Israel!
I am not sure if it ever says that but it certainly alludes to it. Whereas other religions say that a slave should be a good slave, Islam actually says it is better to free them. We can infer from the Qur'an that the ultimate goal for the future is the abolition of slavery.
Yes even pagans are allowed, although I believe they do not get their own courts as Christians and Jews do. For example, Buddhists and Hindus were granted Dhimmi status in Islamic states
they are free to believe in what they want. But you must understand that an Islamic state is a religious state, and as such it believes that Islam is the true religion. To proselytize other religions is not only dangerous to the state, but for the individual as well.
As for holy war I think you are talking about Jihad. Jihad does not mean holy war. It first means, a spiritual struggle of the heart, and then a physical struggle but only in self defense. But the Qur'an and the hadiths tell us that war will be all the way up to the day of Judgement. There will...
Besides that, we can use the same argument for the Qur'an. I know the Qur'anists have their own interpretation, but who is to say that is the right one? At least with the hadiths, we know how to interpret the Qur'an. When we don't have the hadiths, it is at the whim of the holder.
Jesus (as) changed the religion to correct it. It was perfect before but the people themselves changed it. And Muhammad (saws) did not change the words of Jesus (as), according to Muslim belief, it was the later people after Jesus (as) and before Muhammad (saws).
As for the sabbath I am not...
I heard about that new planet too! Masha'Allah I wonder what it is like :D
And I don't think I ever read anything about explaining nature, but rather, it tries to explain the heart. Our holy books do not focus on how God created us, but why.