Before a recent personal revelation, I was a firm believer in polytheism, I believed that the gods controlled my life, that there was destiny and all that jazz, hell I even believe that one caused me to cut myself with a knife while cooking because I forgot to make a blood sacrifice. So...
Do you lovely guys and gals know of any really good mantras? Not the normal kind, something that gets the blood pumping, something full of adrenaline and energy!
Something like this
Om Siva Om Naan Kadavul Song FIRST ON NET- WWW .TKADA. COM - YouTube
From what I've read, they view war as something that happens, they are slightly against it, viewing it as a waste of resources, but its an unavoidable fact of life.
This is obviously a piece of rope!
Actually its a drum!
You fools, can't you see that its a fan?
In reality is an elephant being groped by a bunch of blind men, poor elephant.
I have a friend who thinks that humans are naturally suited to live in tribes and clans. Nations should be collections of tribes, what do you think of the idea?
I've known a couple, they can have fun in their occupation and they went into it because they enjoy the activity, but they are generally a little bit nutty, I don't think there is really a "normal" prostitute. Now is it wrong? No, are Pimps wrong? Yes.