Einstein had to go to Dr. Minkowski for math advice. But that was because, back then, physicists didn't have to learn that type of math. It doesn't mean that Einstein was weak in math, it just meant that he didn't have the background that a mathematician had.
Once Einstein got the right...
What did Einstein mean when he remarked: 'When the solution is simple, God is answering'? - Quora
THE EINSTEIN QUOTATION IS A HOAX: (SOURCE: QUORA, LINK ABOVE) ""When the solution is simple, God is answering" (Albert Einstein)."
Einstein never said that. Furthermore, in another post, I...
We just saw most of the nation "fight evil" in Iraq. That killed about 1,000,000 Iraqis. God said "thou shalt not kill." Oviously war directly defies God.
I've heard of the "Green Party," but didn't realize that there was a "Little Green Man Party." If they plan to work here, I hope they have "Little Green Man Cards." Trump would deport them to Mexico. They'd protest that they are not Mexican, but that would make no difference (foreign is...
Christianity was growing during the Dark Ages, when one would be put to death or tortured for doing unchristian things.
Now, whole African tribes are slaughtered in northern Africa, supplanted by "peace loving" Muslims. If a Muslim (like Solmon Rushdie) steps out of line, there is a fatwa...
Drag the image to the Google Images search box, and you will find that it is a statue of a Norse God, Odin.
Some references call it Viking, but it was recently found, by DNA analysis, that virtually any ethnicity or race was allowed to join the Vikings (they were sort of pirates).
Odin -...
They say that the United States united as a soup. Others argue that it is a salad, with each individual part separate and distinct, yet adding to the whole. Harmony is found in getting along, and sometimes that is by segregation. Yet, according to Brown V. Board of Education, 1954, separate...
Objecting to "true or false" accusations that Saddam murdered thousands, President W. Bush murdered about 1,000,000 Iraqis (mostly shopkeepers forced to the front lines as soldiers).
Ironically the Religious Right protects pre-fetuses, but kills soldiers.
"one God and a provable path to him...
Kids go through a nightmare phase to form a "fight or flight" response in their brains. When a real emergency happens, this response takes over to save them.
My NDE might be waking up to President W. Bush and the Religious Right. I'd scream because I made it to hell, not heaven. It is a place of:
1. Perpetual wars for peace to fight evil (killing millions, injuring far more, and making people suffer without utilities or food).
2. NRA (National...
Rehabilitation doesn't work. However, criminals can always grab a bible and pretend to be holy and get lighter sentences.
Reverend Tex Watson is not to be trusted (member of the murderous Charles Manson Clan). Watson claimed that he killed because he thought that he'd have difficulty living...
Hawaiians, a couple of hundred years ago, killed newborn with blemishes. It had been common practice for royalty to marry royalty (ditto with European royalty), and that led to inbreeding and mutations. On an isolated island, in which mates are few and far between, inbreeding and mutation was...
Given the dismal state of affairs, do sacrifices matter? Does life, itself, matter?
According to Revelation (a chapter of the bible), a chain of events were started that will lead to Armageddon (the end of the world). Rapture is supposed to be when whole bodies (not just souls/spirits) rise...
Pain alerts us to problems. Yet, some suffer with incurable cancer then die (with no hope). If there was a God, why make people suffer (physical and emotional pain, and emotionally pained loved ones)?
Jesus didn't want to die. On the cross Jesus asked God "why hath thou foresaken me?" So...
RE: EXPLAIN PAIN: Atheists don't believe in God, so don't have to explain anything. When one commits to a belief, they "could" try to explain it (or not).
Heros risk their lives to save others (NY Fire Department lost lives in the 911 attack) (Soldiers die manning gun positions) ("lets roll" people stopped hijackers by crashing the 911 plane in Pennsylvania).
Some join the marines (toughest outfit, first to be sent to the front lines) because...
Please see the scientific study about capital punishment as a deterrent to crime.
There are scientific studies that "prove" that capital punishment does and does not deter crime. Certainly, once dead, the criminal doesn't commit more...