According to Wikipedia:
"Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman seeming to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term also refers to memes depicting white women who use their privilege to demand they get their way." Opposite of that, the male version of the word...
I'm glad you asked that. So while Christians have spent their tireless campaign against Islam for centuries. Muslims when remembering Jesus wish peace upon him.
My best guess is that this execution was revenge for collaborating with westerners. You gotta understand, the United States and its allies like U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and others really kicked the crap out of the Taliban. Killed their spiritual leader in Bin Laden and kept them at...
Right. Then let the Taliban take over and everything we fought and died for was for nothing. For sure, the Taliban take over will be complete. If we go with your plan the women, men, and children will be subject to the same extremism they once lived in and this time it'll be much worse.
Although my intent was to actually put it in the politics section to emphasize our political influence upon the Afghan people throughout recent intent to drawback, apparently I have no privileges to post there so I figure considering this is a recently occurred event, this is just as good enough...
And Islam and even during Jesus' time. However what denomination do you subscribe to?
Very presumptuous on your part considering Judaism preceded both Islam and Christianity. Jesus was a monotheist. In fact, Jesus said the greatest commandment is to say God is one and to love God with all your...
Apparently, this rabbi thinks you worship a different deity than the Jews and Muslims yet (some or many of you) fight for Jewish theology which apparently is incompatible with Christianity. In fact, my understanding of idolatry from the readings of Maimonides, Christianity is considered Avodah...
I personally like to shy away from topics such as these unless someone here is a certified linguist especially in the language of Aramaic, Greek, or Latin, otherwise, we are just another form of armchair scholars trying to self-interpret words and definitions in our own understanding without...
I guess you missed the part in that post where I had that whole thing in quotes referencing a book by the author Koa Beck.
"This ideology is fundamentally exclusionary, she says, functioning to keep women of color from enjoying the benefits of any feminist gains or otherwise enlisting them in...