My favorite # is 28. I like even numbers. Don't know why...
Fav. color is indigo, a deep, deep indigo. If I ever get a house I'll paint it that color and people can think I'm crazy! Partially because I am!
What do you mean a self? As in a soul, a spirit? In that case yes, I believe we all have an essence of our characteristics that makes up our souls. Inside it are our deepest desires and wishes, hopes and dreams, inveloped forever in a flowing ball of energy that will survive any tradgety if...
Wow, deep questions Master Vigil! I think that the tao is different for everyone so it can never be a blind faith. "The Way" presents itself to everyone in different opportunities. And if we didn't have faith in the tao, then this really wouldn't be a religion anymore! I think the real...
For anyone who lives in or around PA, probably not many, theres an annual Pagan Pride Day downtown. Lot's of speakers and boothes and such. Interesting opportunity for those of you interested. It's on next friday, Sept. 26th. Look into it!
I'm sorry if you can't understand my religion as I couldn't understand yours. My mother is a taoist, as I found out, and I am sad to say that you have misled me on the fundamentals of it. That is, unless you follow some different form of it which has nothing at all similar to what she is...
And I didn't make up Earthseed. Plus, how can you say Earthseed is not down to earth. If anything, the most down to earth idea would be that you just die. I compared Earthseed to Atheism in one of my posts, because there isn't really a god, we just call change god because that seems like it's...
Wow, must be neat to have lived all over the place. I'm stuck in Pittsburgh, PA. But I was born in Chicago too! The nice thing is, I can't tell an accent of people from Illinois or Pennsylvania. (except when they people in pittsburgh call it IL-O-NOISE. That bugs me.
Master Virgil, the one thing you don't get, even though all you say may be true (I obviously didn't get the whole story on taoism) is that Earthseed doesn't believe in enlightenment. There is no such thing. What's your definition of enlightenment? Maybe the two ends don't meet.