You been watching and reading Milo Yiannopoulos? :laughing: I do think the Trump fan-base among all sorts of minorities is larger than commonly portrayed. Definitely among Hispanics.
I am not a seeker in the sense of being without solidified religious traditions - yet I definitely do always want to learn more and keep the student mindset.
I think these quotes touch on that...while, as often done, use exaggeration to drive home the point. It is more important to understand...
Russians don't seem to like liberals or folks seen as the "Elites" i.e. the powerful characters in most conspiracy theories. It makes sense that they would absolutely not want another Clinton administration or similar in charge.
I don't think Islam itself is as benign as most other religious traditions. It is very rare for serious conflict with religious motivations to not involve Islam. It is either on one or both sides, the majority of the time.
Regardless the degree of Western involvement.
I think the reality of...
I think the most ideal position is simply not worrying about the sexual orientation of anybody else. Even if you personally dislike it or believe this or that God detests it.
Unless you are interested in a specific person - don't concern yourself with their sexual life, hobbies, eating...
What you do in life will reverberate even after death, whether or not there is a spiritual afterlife in a metaphysical realm, rebirth, etc. Even the choice not to contribute, be responsible, or exceed minimal expectations - leaves its mark.
There is actually an internal discussion about this passed to each new generation of folks in the military and law enforcement. People should put a lot more faith in them than they do.
Scripture tends to be so important to "revealed" religion because there is a founder/organization to submit to/believe in. Whether seen as speaking for, representing, etc. deities, angels, aliens, doesn't change this need for pledge of belief in _____ person/s. The...
I can actually imagine plenty of liberals celebrating that week.
God/Creator references don't really bother me if it is a vague mention here and there, not really a going to Church moment.
Not talking about the data of weather stations but our own thermometers we had put up. Only way to really know the temps where you are at. If sunlight was even close to them, without hitting directly, they could still read up to 130°F on the hotter days. Everybody was expected to drink at...