Oh my gosh!, Soros is really losing it even more faster. He ought to know that there were other Presidents that had done the same, like Obama and Carter. Well, he needs to give me some of that money. I hope that they doesn't arrest anybody for taking advantage of his illness.
I'm going to be a...
Yes, it all started happening before Obama has left the office. Nobody never speak about what has happened to Somalia. That country has fallen real badly. The Muslims had torn that country apart. The Muslims that were hijacking those ships and gotten paid millions of dollar ransom. That even...
Yeah, Lincoln should not have fired those Generals for not wanting to fight against their white brothers for the sake of the Black slaves. But I had thought that you libs are against mistreatment of other race?
He has done what any other employer will do. They are suppose to follow a chain of commands. And whomever breaks that command, should be relieved from their duties. And Abraham Lincoln had fired many Generals for not obeying his command. But until General Grant had came along. The one that has...
In their country that it is normal to walk through traffic as an walkway. Most countries like the ones that they had came from doesn't has sidewalks. But in our country, that is against the law to jay-walk. But It our laws, I believes that it doesn't says anything about riding horses on the...
In this video that it speak about the other president that had put a banned on immigrants. But no one did not complained. I'm trying to find a video that Obama had said that President Trump is saying the same thing that they were saying about policies in the past. But he stated that President...
Would you like it when your husband comes home and back-hand you across the face because you had put to much sugar in his coffee? These women are with ISIS. They are having their children. They were brainwashed by ISIS by the process of giving them good sex. Most American men leaves their wives...
I believes
I believes that the earth is expanding. Like how we grow, the earth does it as well. Like what Plato has said about the time of the Atlanteans. That the plant life of those times were different from their vegetation. I believes that the earth was smaller at one time, and that there...
That will not prevent them from voting if they doesn't has an I.D. Even having a Obama's phone either... But some people depends on public transportation and they needs their I.D. to ride on certain bus. Without it, they will never be able to have transportation to go and vote. But then, the...
They must of have used a lots of aerosol cans back in those days, in order to cause the climate to change drastically. Them damn deodorant's companies!!!
Antarctica Was Once Home To Rainforest, Say Scientists | The Huffington Post
There's a Huge Underground Ocean That Could Explain the Origin...
Well, the I.D's will prevent voter fraud. We need it to withdraw money and to by whiskey. And so I do not see any harm for anyone to be carrying an I.D.
Oh, They know that President Trump has a BIG EGO, and that is why they are using it to distract him from investigating the 9/11 incident. Now they has gotten him on the run, using his power for frivolous things. He should be using these investigators to find out what really happened. Was it...