People seem to conflate "socialism" with government control. Socialism is, by definition, workers owning the means of production. Nazi Germany did not exercise this nor did it claim to in any sense. The Nazis were starkly against capitalism and socialism, subscribing to a Third Way ideology. The...
I'd probably do something similar, give them a short "in a nutshell" answer and if they have more questions go more into depth. It's kinda nice when people are interested and ask, at least as long as they are being sincere.
I'm satisfied with the Catholic Church. It does great good through the patronage and maintenance of some of the West's greatest architectural and artistic masterpieces (which, to be quite honest I'd rather have in a museum in the Vatican than in some rich wall street banker's parlor but I...
I believe that changes from denomination to denomination. The only Protestant services I've attended were Southern Baptist and UCC and both placed a high level of importance on a personal relationship with Christ. So confession of sins, from my understanding, seemed more a personal thing.
United Church of Christ and Unitarian Universalist Association came to mind when reading your description. Maybe Evangelical Lutheranism or Quakers could fit your beliefs too.
Definitely sounds like you're looking for a more liberal Protestant denomination, though correct me if I'm wrong...
Not a particularly large one. I don't think evolution is inherently at odds with my religious views and I believe Pope Francis expressed why very eloquently at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 2014.
I love taking quizzes!
Belief-O-Matic result: Roman Catholic
Pagan Tradition's Selector: Finnish Paganism (can't say I know too much about that one haha)
Spiritual Belief System Selector: Roman Catholic / Eastern Orthodox (100% two way tie)
Interesting! I'm curious to see how this plays out -- particularly in how their places of worship end up looking from an architectural standpoint. I do wonder if they're allowed to practice publicly in religious historical sites (if they aren't already).