That would make both virtue and unvirtue indistinguishable at their Sorce, would it not? They only differ in their application?
I understood the rest of what you said.
Works for me. Would more unmeasurable things like love, hate, good or evil come from the same type of higher dimension (higher in terms of 5th, 6th, etc)?
I do have a cold. My mind is having a hard time. There might be a deeper meaning though. Does it come from God if it has no dimesionality? How does it exist without dimensionality?
We live and percieve a world of dimensions; length, width, height and time. All these things are measurable.
My question is, how do you measure compassion? Does it exist if it isn't measurable?
I'm not sure I understand that or how you derive this from Scripture but I'll play along.
So God's heaven is in a higher dimension?Also, was His heaven created "In the beginning?"