I came across this and wondered if you think this describes the essence of science:
"Science is the determination to establish differences."
Is this accurate?
I appreciate your sticking with this. It helps me to articulate more clearly what I'm trying to clarify.
What this boils down to is why the firmament is separate from the sky. It has to do with where the birds fly and where the sun moon and stars exist.
Genesis 1:14 clearly puts the sun, moon...
In our old West period of our history here in the States people were much more polite. Apparently having a gun on your hip made people more civil.
It's a conundrum.
That was a misreference on my part. The third heaven is referenced in II Corinthians 12:2. This establishes that there are three heavens.
Heavens 1 and 2 references come from Genesis 1.
We know there are three heavens because John was called there in Revelation. This is where God resides. Birds fly in the OFH (verse 20). The sun the moon and the stars are in the FH (verses 16-17).
Do you see any other way of arriving at three heavens from Genesis1?
The earth was without form and void, part of the plasma. Light came 240,000 to 300,000 uears later.
Yet the spirit of God moved on the face of the waters before there was light. Perhaps this coincided with the inflationary period within the first seconds of the expansion. The expansion also...