Anyways, I really need to sleep. I'll try and reply when I'm back on in a day or so. No guarantee I'll read through all the notifications. I had over 100 from just the other day and I am very busy. If you want me to address something specific please message me, like I asked .
I get this from years of scholarly work and research and studying the "forbidden" and having discussions based in many aspects of science, religion, philosophy and even politics.
The evidence that suggest our being defies existence isn't consistent in calculation but all scientists will agree...
Anyways, you want to waste my time. I have to get some sleep I work 12 hours tomorrow. And I work with a bunch of people who claim they want to work but their actions and feet dragging show me otherwise now apply that to my request and realize your continual efforts to draw a separate discussion...
Stop trying to get me to break the rules. If you really wanted to have that discussion you would already have obliged to my request but instead you continue this mindless indulgence.
I have actually supported this greatly. It's common knowledge we are carbon based life forms. And carbon based life forms emit a special type of light called "biophoton" which is Greek in origin and means "life light". It's light invisible to the eye (for the most part ;))
You don't understand...
Well, certain "beings" and existential structures produce light. So I mean, without them we wouldn't be able to see, or probably even exist :shrug:
"Light is light", right. Buts it not. You can't even see most of it. And can you say certainly it existed before any human or religion? Do you...
No I'm trying to focus on this thread. If you can't even do a simple task as to message me directly and site the specific questions you desire me to answer then I'm not going to even bother. If you want my attention don't waste my time because unless you do what I ask or make a post within this...
I'm not moving goal posts. I literally have not changed the definition. I've only tried to explain it more thoroughly since you do not understand what I am saying. It (light) is basically in everything we can observe, even darkness, because biophoton can be measured in UV Ray which is a...
I am confident I do understand how they work. I am also confident that you are unable to read or spell LOL. Anyways I posted it in the debate section, feel free to try me there. But you should know, it being related to the occult is very important as it's relative to the LHP dir
The term biophoton is not used to reference the brighter LUCIFERin systems but to measure light produced on the EMF scale called "ultraviolet". You cannot see it with your eyes. But we know it's there.
No, I haven't changed anything about the definition. You just don't understand how light works.
It has everything to do with Satanic beings, considering Lucifer means literally "bearer of light".
What creature am I proposing? If you've been reading. It's humans. You know? Like stated in the...
Well basically, we already addressed that reality is a consequence of perception. Or something along the lines.
You're confusing bioluminescence with biophoton. Biophoton is light emission on the UV spectrum of EMF.
No "major empirical evidence". Either you are able to observe opposition or...