Wrong, that's not true. It's a literary style used in the book, prophet Muhammad himself gave his exegesis after some disciples were confused and asked him what's the meaning behind this, he answered: "The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostles...
I did say a common trait, not a vital trait in Jews. I suppose there are some few Jews that are not nationalistic, and of course self-hating Jews are also an exception, but the immense majority are loyalist to being Jewish and it's quite common, albeit not all Jews are nationalistic.
I said "stereotype/common trait," these two descriptions were used respectively for each of the two explanations. [note #1]
When someone says "Jews are greedy," it's stereotype and antisemitic. When someone says "Jews are nationalists," it's a common trait and not antisemitic, but fine.
Majority of Buddhists, especially Mahayana, have faith - Mahayana is really strong on faith that it's no different from Judaic or Christian eschatology and theology, at least in principle.
Buddha was said to be theistic and rebirth in different forms is a form of mystic faith, he also made...
@LuisDantas. Whether or not he was an atheist is inconclusive, some say he was a Deist - what I consider for materialized theism or watered-down atheism, since it's a belief in an impersonal force with no religious authority. I think it was likely he was an atheist, all his contemporaries...
Well, Zoroastrianism in Islam is considered for one of the divine religions (Quran 22:17) and the disciples of Muhammad all believed in Zoroaster as a prophet. It's likely Islam is a continuation to it and was influenced in this way.
Zoroastrianism didn't influence the Abrahamic faiths - early Judaism was polytheistic, then it evolved to henotheism and eventually monotheism around after Moses, who came from the Atenic Egypt, not Zoroastrian Persia.