Women in the law of the mosaic law, the higher status, equal status, and lower status
Part 2:A
From the last part of part 1 Genesis we continue and we are in the time of the law of moses did the law of moeses favored women over men ? Yes. Womed did have the law to it's advantage and did the...
Why they have hair, gift of birth, gift of singing, and the law. Know that God gave laws to protect women and made A huge research about it took me 4 months of research. Know that very serious about it. And why women in proverbs 8-9 chapters women represent wisdom and are part of God characters...
Beggining of Genesis with woman
Part 1:C
women can also decide the name of child without the husband and here are the verses. In those times women can decide without men what the name will be.
A high status position
Eve named Seth Gen 4:25
Leah and Rachel named thier children chapters 29 and...
Beggining of Genesis with woman
Part 1:B
Gen 17:7-14 and 16:10 God send angels to save Hagar and her son. She was awarded to have A nation like Abraham but she had no husband she recieve more than A man in those times.
Even in those times made men and women equal in those times this an equal...
Another interesting topic is that do not believe all of angels the catholic church pick the right one know that angels have existed before our existence but have names. But not all christian angels come from God but some of which the catholic pick are actually demons who pretend to be good...
We start The first part of it we begin with everything since Genesis to the law of Deuteronomy, the first part consist of the high status women have. Before the law of the ten commandments " is what we call part 1. In part 1 will their be high status, equal status and low status in this we...
Know that their is more information and property A women can have it their is a law that if a man dies and brother does not want to marry. The wife goes to council they remove his sandal and the women slaps that brother and she keeps the property. Know A women can have property and keep it. Many...
What are gifts G-d gave to the women.
1. God gave love to women Genesis 2:18-24 Lord wanted men to have women as it's companion and lover the first part of their story together. Genesis 1:26-28 God told women and men to rule over the land including animals and all. Show God gave equal dominion...
freewill existed before adam and eve and the devil had it he chosed to rebelled. You saw it exist does the plan of G-d involves love and choosing to be free. Choose to put you will in G-d's will becuase it cause you conflict like everyone that it's impossible don't be in the box that is fate and...
Our modern system in law and what we call liberalism but it is not what God is talking about and what the law says in the mosaic way and how jesus freed us from sin. Thru the mosaic law using the new testament by fullfiling it. Know that is the crucial and essential infromation we talk about and...
The base of freewill is what G-d wanted man with freewill before the fall man had man freewill ? and it was perfect ? Yes, Becuase it was align with him before all this of politics, sin, and works and faith of slavation were not part of this he wanted us to be with him in the garden and do one...
Is that there is Gabriel trumpet and legend around says also of Michael's harp ? What ancient artifact talk about angel tools God give his angels.
The Sound Of Gabriel’s Trumpet: A Warning Of Judgment Day – Low End Theory Club
Archangel Gabriel
Russia’s Transport of...
That's Jacobs ladder and secret things is that scripture says they start from earth going to heaven. It doesn't say from heaven to earth was Jacob seen a vision of how God meant the most importance humans are to God and his angels.
good that is why have freedom of choice and the consitiution saids so. Be oblige you can ask questions just remember I will fight for your right to say it.
Voltaire said it.