In order to study resurrection scientifically, you would need examples to study. But all that exists are accounts of it happening, so really it's more of a historical scholarly endeavor -- are the accounts believable?
If there were a ghost to study, I suppose scientists could measure the light...
The phrase "how all came into existence" itself might not be accurate. There is the implication of time and purpose, neither of which may be relevant.
I usually just say, "why does reality exist", but this probably assumes too much also, referring to purpose and claiming something about being...
I don't know, it just did.
And reality is what it is whether I can understand it or not.
And reality includes: consciousness and its contents, mind, mathematics integrated with reality.
Probably this question has an answer in psychology.
I find it takes time to process information and I don't have the innate tact to respond quickly to unexpected statements or questions. I doubt if just answering every interaction by saying, "I don't know, let me think about it and get back to...
The definition of the terms require this kind of God to be good, and that he/she/it has the power and ultimate concern to make it so.
Yes; again based on the definitions of the terms. If you want to allow a God who created or allowed for evil, he/she/it is either not good, or not all-powerful.
Taking this thinking to its logical conclusion, the laws of nature change everywhere, but we are powerless to observe this because it is hidden from us. No experiment could ever detect the drastic differences in the laws of nature from place to place.
Why would God choreograph something so...
Yes, I agree that the questions of consciousness and mind are important and interesting.
One way people solve the problems you raise is to claim that all is Consciousness, and that the physical is a manifestation of this. I find this unsatisfying.
And taking physicalism as excluding...
I doubt it's possible to know anything about the essence of what knowledge and truth are outside of our conscious and mindful understanding of these. And this requires a human brain.
Certainly the universe provides for the possibility of consciousness and its contents, and of mind.
I think they distinguish between genetics and its effects, and gender identity, and a few other categories.
Yes. When it comes to public spaces, and society, and moral questions; no one can agree. How do we decide? I dunno.
I think this question is best answered via philosophy and sociology. What makes a person believe what they do and how cultures are formed.
I doubt that atheists are in wonderment and amazement that some people believe in God. They seem to be fully aware of this fact.
I think you are saying that the true teachings of the enlightened founder of a true religion or spiritual path is lost forever because it is immediately mangled, misunderstood, and changed by those second generation unenlightened followers who come afterwards. Am I understanding you correctly?
Yes. This also applies to imaginations and hallucinations. How can you know what the other person is experiencing apart from what they tell you?
So the question is: are religious and spiritual experiences real, or are they merely hallucinations?
Similar question for love (for example): is the...
The universe it not mathematics; it is, well... it is the universe. But mathematics weirdly can describe certain aspects.
Also, consciousness and mind exist. So whatever the universe is, it includes the potential for consciousness and mind to exist exactly as they are.
I doubt we will ever be...
In order to be an omnist you have to assume that all religions teach the same thing. They don't; they are mutually exclusive. You have to choose one and reject the others (or reject them all).