To answer questions...I am so-called black or afro-american, neither of which are races. Black is a color, afro is a hair stlye, america is the name of a continent named after an italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci. I am sure you all know history. To answer the other question, the so-called...
What need would I have to lie?? Also I never said blacks and hispanics. I said Native americans and mexicans. If you're gonna quote me...quote me right!! Yes a friend of mine who is still Mormon went to the Salt Lake Temple and was called a ni@@er. The exact quote was "When did we start letting...
It's amazing how Latter Day Saints take that scripture and run with it like it's talking about the Bible and the Book of Mormon being records together to testify about Christ. When if you read verses 21 and 22 it says..
21And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the...
Being black, an ex-member and a returned missionary. I saw it all. I lived in Utah for two years and that state has to be one of the most racist states in the union. Not just from a so-called African American stand point. They treat the Mexicans and Native Americans like second class citizens...
To answer this question you have to know what the word christ or christian means. Jesus Christ is not the son of God's name it's a title. It means Anointed Savior, Jesus means Savior and Christ means Anointed. So the son of Mary was the anointed savior and the son of God no less. So those that...