To reiterate the same point in different terms, no Catholic has his own opinion on matters of faith or morals. If he is a Catholic, he professes those of the Church as his own.
Where you contend against the Church, you contend against God Himself. I'm not the one doing the deciding - it is a dogma of the Catholic faith that none outside of the Church will be saved. I am bound to believe it, even if I did not agree with it.
I recognise the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church as the one Church which Jesus Christ founded to bring together His faithful. I recognise that the Catholic Church is the sole depository of objective moral and religious truth. I recognise that without Christ, one cannot be saved - and...
There is much more to it than that. There is endless correlation between this event and those in the OT - beyond that fact, why would Christ create an anarchic Church on earth when the Church is an extension of the Kingdom of Heaven? It's nonsensical. This video will help, I'm sure:
Your obstinance is honestly very depressing - you reject actual, recorded history, and put your faith in a book and your own understanding of it; not in Christ.
Watch the video. I won't be responding again for a while.
'Elder' = 'bishop'. Same thing, different term.
Not in the Bible, no. But some of those who became successors to certain Apostles are mentioned in scripture, so we know that they existed. The Apostles established churches (bishoprics), and governed over them as leaders; like shepherds over...
A bishop is a consecrated successor of the 12 Apostles. They occupy the same authoritative office in Christ's Church as they did in the first century AD.
Except for the Apostles, right? Our Lord was telling a little fib when he declared that nobody was to teach anyone else. Again, this is a translatory issue in the same strain as the passage pertaining to 'call no man Father'.
Why should I believe your personal, arbitrary, totally subjective...
You need to be taught - just as the disciples of the Early Church were taught by the Apostles. Sacred Scripture is not sufficient on its own in the hands of an ignoramus - we can see that from the tens of thousands of Protestant denominations, each with as little authority as another.
Where in the Bible does it state that every element of the faith that will ever be revealed is in the Bible? This is Church history. Do you reject the Fathers of the Early Church?
Christ came to fulfil the Law, not abolish it. It has been changed, not made redundant. Did Christ not command us and His disciples of many things throughout the Gospel - and did his Apostles not do the same throughout the New Testament, on His authority, informed by His oral tradition...
Yeah, okay, whatever you say. What draws you to 'paganism'? Do you think the romanticised notion of nigh-animalistic snow- and forest-dwelling barbarians is something to aspire to? Are you an ethnonationalist who subscribes to this idea of Christianity being a mechanic of Jewish subversion...
So it's totally arbitrary and subjective? You, personally, get to decide where Law does and does not apply? Pull your head in. You have no authority.
Actually, yes, scripture was 'given to us' by a pope and bishops - the Bible was created by the Church, for the Church. It is a Church document...