Circumcision was corrected as they learned that it wouldn't apply to new believers. Baptism in water in Jesus's name was never corrected or changed.
Circumcision was an issue. Baptism in water in Jesus's name wasn't.
If I am weaving a fairy tale and am not in accord with reality or the...
One example of this method is rrobs' Hebrews hypothesis that baptism with water was no more than a shadow of the baptism with the Holy Spirit to come. He tries to connect dots to make this case, in lieu of scripture which doesn't exist, that actually states what he's saying.
What I've been seeing is that the by grace alone through faith alone participants seem to connect dots to make a hypothesis, and close that hypothesis with a conclusion instead of scripture. I often try to find the best way to express that this method does not suffice to make it Biblical and...
The by grace alone, through faith alone participants often make an argument by connecting certain dots to make a hypothesis, and close their arguments with conclusions, because there are no scriptures to confirm their hypothesis. Such as rrobs Hebrews hypothesis that baptism in water was but a...
Thanks but not really, just been at it while. I intend to post something in a little while that might also be helpful. Something I think I just figured out.
Plus you're very knowledgeable scriptures, I commend you for that. You might work on being a little more succinct.
Thank you for the...
Why then, would Jesus give Peter the keys to His kingdom after He returns and raises believers from their graves to new spiritual life? It would break the whole flow of the sentence and He would not have explained this, ever!
Nova2216's explanation is more sound.
Colossians 1:13-14 is spot on...
Jesus also spoke of another baptism in the name of the F, S, and HS, which He commanded of His followers to perform on others Matthew 28:19, which is not the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, because that Jesus would do Himself, and so He did in Acts 2:2-4 and in Acts 10:44-46. Peter spoke of this...
Where is it "stated" on scripture that this was his spiritual second birth?
Says who? Who else (in scripture) was ever baptized and the Holy Spirit descended on him or her, like a dove?
If I understand correctly, who (in scripture) says our resurrection from physical death is our spiritual birth...
It was Peter who said repent and be baptized (in water), but he did get it from Jesus as a command for us only. Jesus didn't have to repent.
In order for there to be twisting, there has to be something to twist. There is nothing written in scripture saying that Jesus's baptism was a pattern to...
It has those words written in the verse. So it would be twisting to say it means something other than what's written. We do need to repent and be baptized. I don't know how you think I'm saying otherwise.
My point is there's no teaching in the Bible for us to get baptized in water "because"...
Agreed, but it doesn't have to be a symbol in order for that to be true. The symbolic purpose of baptism in Jesus's name teaching just does not exist in the Bible.
The "symbol" terminology is only ever found in the commentary that follows.
There's nothing ever written "in the Bible" about baptism in water symbolizing a new birth.
rrobs and I were coming from somewhere else with this conversation.
I'll address yours as stated.
Acts 2:38 did not command a sinless Jesus to get baptized, it commanded other people (with sin) to get baptized. It says ee must repent and be baptized in Jesus's name for the forgiveness of sins...