Hi Folks..
Except the LOGIC of our own experiment tells us clearly that is entirely wrong..because as said - we can get an organism now that is ALREADY FULLY ALIVE - we can kill it - we can break it down into that primordial molecular soup - and right there we have EVERYTHING that we...
Hi Folks..
Ah but thats the whole point - the conditions to produce that FIRST life form - DO NOT EXIST NATURALLY - this process is NOT SPONTANEOUS - it REQUIRES a definate planned intervention to make even base chemicals bond correctly to form life..
DNA did NOT form in some random...
Hi Folks..
Surely - anyone who runs for a public office and makes it up to the top tiers such as Presidential candidates - are ALREADY more than capable and obviously so - or else they would never have managed to progress that far to begin with...or are we thinking the general masses are fools...
Hi Folks..
Well that "god" actually made an entirely new covenant with an entirely new "chosen people" didnt it..?..
It had already pretty much abandoned the Jews even before Christ came - its last active bona fide Prophet was Malachi wasnt it..?...and that was like hundreds of years before...
Hi Folks..
Yer but - science itself just doesnt have a clue WHAT life is OR how it began - not REALLY !!
Even before the cellular level - they are yet to account ACCURATELY for the formation of dna itself - for as shown above it simply does not happen in that "spontaneous" way...
Hi Folks..
Isnt it obvious then..?...SOULS dont worry about such things do they..?..Only MORTALS do..Therefore as I said, IF you know your own Soul intimately, then IT will be guiding you and such mortal concerns wouldnt even enter into it...
You (all) are NOT a mortal person...
Hi Folks...
Carlita; Your situation sounds very similar to my wife actually, though we are in the UK and the laws seem to be somewhat different - though here too there is a growing culture of "sue first ask questions later" - especially medical cases of course......Its all very sad...
My wife...
Hi Folks..
Yer - first I have to say I agree here with Wizanda - we cant really on the bible explanation at all - it is SECONDHAND - and it is NOT written by anybody who even knew Christ or Disciple direclty - and besides Folks - that "god" in the bible aint even the SOURCE of Creation that...
Hi Folks..
WHY are we even bothered about purely material concerns here when actually someones LIFE IS AT RISK !!!
Do any of you know your own SOUL..?...Like DIRECTLY..??....
For those that do there would be no hesitation at all - not even a thought of it... See someone who is in a life...
Hi Folks..
Yes I think you are right on the money there...ELECTROMAGNETISM - as we call it - is actually the fundamental "energy" of creation itself - EVERYTHING is formed form an ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD.....Now - the only thing science really needs to appreciate here - is that this...
Hi Folks..
Ah my friend - no He did not say it like that at all - go and read it properly - keep it in CONTEXT - see clearly He is ACTUALLY saying in our plain modern language - ."it USED to be this way - but now Iam REPLACING the old with this NEW teaching"....Here I will show you...
Hi Folks..
Windwalker; Yer its very complicated - a definate difference between "physically alive" and TRULY alive as I would term it (spiritually alive??) - and has a lot to do with the actual "seed" that the body receives - understand Iam saying the "seed of life" is a seed of Divine and...
Hi Folks..
Mestemia; Stating obvious facts and logical undeniable conclusions hardly constitutes a "sermon"...lol..
Which part is "wishful thinking"..??....
We CANNOT cause life to happen despite knowing all about is chemical physical origins...Neither have we EVER seen it sponatneously occur...
Hi Folks..
Hmm - that describes perfectly how the body MACHINE works - but doesnt actually tell us anything about LIFE itself - does it..?..The body is not the SOURCE of the life to begin with - so trying to work this out from a a scientific material perspective simply wont work I dont...
Hi Folks...
Very interesting thread...To my mind though - some of the things that get classed as "alive" - I would definately have to dispute..
A bacteria - a virus - not alive at all...it may be an ANIMATED FORM - but it is not truly ALIVE....To my mind, to be TRULY alive - the INDIVIDUAL...
Hi Folks..
Billiard Ball; Yes my friend - all those quotes above - everything that appears within a quote box - IS MOST CERTAINLY - ORIGINAL scripture !!
Note though - its not that twisted bible scripture version - all that I present is taken from the DIRECT TEACHING that Christ gave to...
Hi Folks..
Surely - the actual TRUTH is all that matters - ever..???...
Its pretty obvious that ALL governments the world over tell lies to each other AND their own people ALL the time...It may shock some to learn - but BEHIND the worlds governments is indeed another layer of hidden heirachy...
Whats this here then..??...HATRED..???...yet more OPPOSITION !!!
Do we think though, He means like a "physical hatred", like is He telling them go out and fight their family do you (all) think..??...OR - is He actually meaning they must come to hate and despise the BELIEFS and TRADITIONS of...
Hi Folks..
Love the name btw - I sincerely wish more people shared that philosophy and Self understanding..
Christ and scripture though - actually - none of these Jewish scripture applies to Christ at all - He is NOT affiliated with THAT god at all and made it very VERY plain - as...
Hi Folks...
Billiard Ball;
Ah my friend - Look - it doesnt really matter what the JEWISH religion accepted at all as Christ said openly that THAT god Yahweh is NOT EVEN OUR FATHER !!
And every other scripture you present is ALSO of that same Jewish god,isnt it..?. WRONG GOD MY FRIEND - not...