Sometimes when I write, I am very dark and deep in my writing..... people could interpret it into many different forms, but when my husband picks it up and reads it he knows exactly what I am speaking about because he knows me
If I didn't know my child the words would mean very little, but because I have a very deep personal relationship with them I hear, feel, and almost touch love through their words
And it is strange that you use this example because one of my greatest loves in life is writing, and one of the greatest pleasures in writing is to see another person respond or be moved by what you have written
Love is not perfectly displayed through human relations because we are human. God is Love and the only perfect love is recorded for us to intellectually read and Spiritually trust. A poets love is felt deeply but the words He writes are His treasure and when I read them my heart is moved greatly.
Reread my posts. I have said according to my life experiences, that I myself feel that they are dangerous and unbiblical. I myself would not trust anything outside the Bible in spiritual matters.
You cannot fully trust intuition. If you are willing to rely solely on intuition then your argument that God's word cannot be proven and thus cannot be our authority loses complete ground. Intuition vs. bible.....umm.....that's not even logical
That does not mean I am better, above or self righteous in my approch. It simply means IF I am interpreting scripture wrong or different than you that God knows my intentions and my heart and your heart and we will be judged accordingly.....
The problem with defining love through human relationships is that although we can see glimpses of God through them, we are so limited in understanding perfect love. Love requires trust. My intuition can fail me because it's imperfect also and because emotions do factor in. I can believe my...
Just prefer alone. It's very hard to understand, but I do know that there is a certainty in Christ I have never known until recently! He is truly all I need.
I appreciate your opinions but I passed from death to life the moment I recognized my sinful self and surrendered my will to the Father through Jesus Christ! I am well aware of the religious shackles that any belief system can put you in....self righteousness can spring from dogmas or emotional...