Come now, my friend. We've come too far to run away, now! Be strong and courageous! For God is with us. If God be with us, what lie can stand against us?
Be a man and take a stand! Say what in your heart you know is true. If it turns out to be an imposter, won't we be better off for having...
Well, I'm not sure exactly what repentance is. If I had to be brave, take a guess and defend my opinion, I'd say she is much like faith in that she is a state of mind--in this case, one who causes a change of behavior. She inspires me to become a better man. You mentioned John the Baptist, and...
Yes, I think now I know for certain what you believe. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
Whether what you believe is true, I don't yet know. Please let me explain why. During Peter's first presentation of the gospel, he was asked by his audience what they must do to be...
Yes, my friend. And forgive me for asking another question, but I want to be 100% sure: Is this faith the only thing I need to not only (1) be saved, (2) be eternally forgiven and (3) gain entrance to heaven, but also to (4) receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to live with me and in me both now...
Thank you. So to be sure I understand, by saying, "only faith is required to be saved from hell," do you also mean, "only faith is required to be forgiven by God forever"? Forgive me if the answer seems obvious to you. I want to be careful to not misunderstand.
Sounds logical to me, and I...
Sorry for being clear as mud! I was not trying to say you believe in Reformed Theology. I was trying to say not all Evangelicals believe in Reformed Theology. In fact, many don't.
Yes, you said grace is a gift, but not what kind of gift. I asked if it is a gift of love or of power, and you...
I guess, then the question is: What do I have to do to receive this love and power? More specifically, what must I do to receive the love and power needed for salvation?
I think Calvin, when he says, "It is faith alone that justifies," he is saying faith is what I must do to be saved. I assume...
Sorry for the late edit, but I added a reply about the meaning of predestination. No need to respond to it unless you want to.
I'll respond to your reply after awhile. Enjoying the dialog!
Far from it! :) and I still enjoy reading or listening to RC Sproll, Chuck Swindoll, John Mac Arthur, Steve Brown and other good Calvinists.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. It seems that unlike CS Lewis, you did not go, "kicking and screaming into the kingdom of God"!
From what I...
Yes, that sounds logical. So is grace the love and power to save a person despite what she does? Or is grace the love and power to help a person do what she must do to be saved?
Thank you for your kind words, MyGirl. I often try to do my best to avoid debate and have good conversations.
I used to be a member of an Evangelical Presbyterian church, and I've attended different Evangelical churches. So I should tell you that only the members of the Evangelical...
I don't know how to define grace, MyGirl. If I did, I'd be more certain of what Paul means when he tells me, "By grace you are saved..." I do have some idea what others believe grace is. Evangelicals say it is God's unmerited favor, or love. Catholics say it is God's unmerited power to empower...
My favorite color has never changed, either--it's blue, and my favorite season has always been autumn. My tastes in food, music, movies and pets has changed, though. I currently own three dogs and like to take them for walks.
I find it interesting--though not fascinating--you find it odd...
I find your ideas about the soul fascinating and worthy of a discussion of their own. Please let me know if you start one.
Yes, what you say reminds me of Jesus' words:
"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance."
(Matthew 3:8 and Luke 3:8)
I'm also reminded of what James wrote:
In the...
Thanks for the reply. Are you of the opinion human beings have no souls that survive the death of their physical bodies?
Agreed. Jehovah God calls the shots. His Son follows his lead.
Does it always? I wonder when I think about Jesus' words:
17 Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that...
I hear what you are saying and agree. For example the same Greek word translated as faith in Ephesians 2:8 and in 221 other passages in the New Testament is translated as faithful in 4 passages of the NIV translation of the NT.
But isn't there something to be said for those translators who...