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  1. Starsoul

    Why does God need prophets?

    Because perhaps the sole reason behind creating humans is to empower them with reason and to enable them to understand the reality on their own ? If humans werent the types who didnt learn without making mistakes and without going through pain, they would've been living happily ever after in...
  2. Starsoul

    Extreme Individualism!

    great talk about individualism. s-shDW07Uug I love her so much! by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan - YouTube
  3. Starsoul

    Yet Another Thread On Free Will

    I believe the same, if I got you right. Who I was born to or where or when, is something I do not get to choose, however I can choose how to deal with it,(to the best of my capability)and thus I can choose better for my own children if the circumstances around my birth were unfortunate due to...
  4. Starsoul

    the empowerment of women in islam vs western feminism

    Only in cases where there are more men witnesses. (Reasoning: because a woman's honor is well protected and guarded in islam, unless she is an essential and the only witness, she is given ease and support to bring along another woman with her as women is Islam are not supposed to be somewhere...
  5. Starsoul

    the empowerment of women in islam vs western feminism

    . Any man who thinks he's increasing his chances of finding a successful life partner by specifically judging how attractive a woman looks to him, is super delusional and plain idiotic. Thats what you're far from understanding, women in islam arent treated/perceived as attractively dressed...
  6. Starsoul

    brutal Night raids in Afghanistan killing innocent citizens

    Mass genocide, does anyone even care? " American army Constitute teams which would go to the houses so identified, knock at the door and as soon as the wanted man appears, shoot him dead. At times a substitute is killed who may be a guest in the house but was unlucky to greet the intruders at...
  7. Starsoul

    Standards of a Muslim Woman.

    This article must be read by all women...
  8. Starsoul

    The Islamic Faith of Abi Talib

    Salamo alaikum, I have to mention something here which I have been thinking of for a long while. Why would anyone want to discuss somebody's faith and derive superfluous interpretations about the inner faith n that too of somebody who hadn't himself declared it openly? WHo gives the right or...
  9. Starsoul

    wasalam dear, Im good alhamdulilah, you all disappeared from here leaving me alone, had no...

    wasalam dear, Im good alhamdulilah, you all disappeared from here leaving me alone, had no choice but to disappear :/ and anyway أنا لا أميل يحب الضرب رأسي م&#1593...
  10. Starsoul

    Opinions on Sura 4:34 (Muslim women only, please)

    Salamo alaikum sisters, Good responses by you all, thorough and well explained MAshAllah. I havent been around much but the above posts have left little to be added further, I hope it cleared the misconception in the mind regarding the verse. Would just like to add though, that Scholars agree...
  11. Starsoul

    The Funniest Post Ever Made In RF

    Lol it does sound exactly as it has been described, funny and pathetic how people buy into it without any evidence. :)
  12. Starsoul

    Standards of a Muslim Woman.

    "One of the most prevalent standards made for woman, has been the standard of men. But what we so often forget is that God has honored the woman by giving her value in relation to Himself—not in relation to men. Yet, as western feminism erased God from the scene, there was no standard left—but...
  13. Starsoul

    True Muslims: Sunni vs Shia

    I am not sure about this hadith,will have to check its authenticity, but the way you wound up every sinner into a sunni-wahabi-salafi cloak is astounding and unacceptable, and I must say that is the stereotypical statement that comes from the mouth of every shia that you come across. They assign...
  14. Starsoul

    True Muslims: Sunni vs Shia

    Its amazing to make an ignorant statement like this and make oneself look so un-informed, for one you just repeated the false propaganda you seem to have been fed through your uninformed clerics about anyone who is not a shia. Exalting the kings? obeying the tyrants,?? Please, give us a break...
  15. Starsoul

    sharia and honour killing

    @ gnostic, I never said honor killing does not happen in muslim countries, neither is it swept under the carpet, but fanning the fumes of this one incident with reference to shariah and islam, is one rhetoric that is oft repeated by pretentious liberal critics ( not saying you are one : )) who...
  16. Starsoul

    My new boss is almost as crazy as my old boss.

    I agree with this, she needs to know about her abusive behavior, if she is sensible enough, she will try to improve herself. Appreciate her few good points initially though, incase you choose to write an email, I would never work with an abusive boss. It would be good to at least let her know...
  17. Starsoul

    True Muslims: Sunni vs Shia

    A basic muslim is somebody who believes there is no deity except Allah, and Muhammad (pbuh saww) is His Final messenger. Sunni and shia, basically, both believe that. Sects of Islam which do not assign to this basic dogma, are not considered muslims. e.g, Ahmadis, a minority group do not...
  18. Starsoul

    Gaddafi captured alive .... then killed

    ofcorse it is only ' heinously evil' and 'tyrannical terroristic' when people on one side of the globe get killed like that, let the same happen to a muslim, and it is, a mere disappointment.
  19. Starsoul

    sharia and honour killing

    @ gnostic You aren't putting your question right. Honor killing was an encouraged practice in not only the Ancient roman civilizations, but also a great part of christian tradition as well,( supported by Levitcus 21.9) along with other civilizations, where if was found in one form or the other...
  20. Starsoul

    sharia and honour killing

    You certainly need to research more on this. Honor killing was predominantly a hindu practise in the Asian sub continent, in Hindustan, areas of which after the division, are NOW included in some muslim countries. For instance, there is quite a large number of hindus in sindh, in Pakistan, a...