This response is not aimed directly at you, it is just your post.....Numerous places in the Bible, it points out the same message, summed up in 1st Cor., people who aren’t spiritual 2:14 Or who don’t have the Spirit; or who have only physical life. can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit...
For the love of god, can someone explain who created god?
God existed before time.....He created everything that is created.
I think that people tend to debate and try to figure out things that have no explanation. It is more practical to try and figure out why Adam called a cow a cow and...
I have no idea Bahai faith or Muslims say happen, and I would have to agree that all people alive today did indeed miss the greatest moment in History. When Jesus arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to set on the right side of God the Father, and He has promised that He will come...
My view is this, God has predestined everyone to spend eternity with Him! BUT,
than He gave us free-will! It is because of our free-will that we will be sinful beyond the Holy Nature of Heaven. So then God's plan of redemption, that was in place before the foundations of the earth, which...
Why can nothing be added to the Bible?
It is God's inspired letter to us that tells us how to live and how to spend eternity with Him after we leave this earth, what more do you want to read? God loves you, Jesus loves you and they want you to live life more abundantly by following their...
Based on the facts that John wrote the Book of Revelation when he was quite old, and most of the other 'writers' had been martyred at younger ages, many years prior; it would have to be Revelation.
The book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, telling us what has happened and what is going to...
John 13:35 They will know you by your actions.......
We need to walk the walk. If you go thru life NOT living a 'religious' life, you are not getting the maximum benefits out of this life. Jesus said He wants to bless us abundantly. Our main focus should be to lead as many people from the...
What is the Purpose of Worship?
All worship is towards something or someone that is greater than one's self. People worship that entity that can help the current life and or can ensure a better after life. In the Bible for instance, God was always upset with His chosen people worshiping...
If there is or if there isn't should not matter, you will be there because you have been serving the Lord in this life. SO, it will be natural to want to serve Him there also. (and when you see all those perish that do not want to serve the Lord, you will be happy and thankful)
A World Saviour or Cleanser?
I am not familiar with those others but the Jewish Messiah and Jesus Christ are both in the book that I read. And yes it does talk of fire and hell and damnation and all of those things. But you haven't read the rest of the story. You see, right now...
Do All People Have at least some Measure of Worth or Value?
Let me tell you how much we all are worth. Over 2,000 years ago Jesus died on a cross to pay your way and my way to life eternal! He paid a price that we could not pay, He paid it for us. You are worth your weight in gold. So we...
I think that idolatry is anything that gets your 100% attention/devotion. It will not leave any time to worship the only one who deserves your worship. You cannot serve two master! if your full attention is on your religion that is different, unless it is a false religion, (idol worship) You...
I believe that God fully planned for each and every person that He put on this planet to spend eternity with Him. That said; it is up to each and every person that God gives breath to each day, it is up to us individually to accept that calling/predestination and follow Him with thanksgiving...
the total injustice for a persons Religious beliefs. Christians are continually being harassed and sought out for civil lawsuits. A business can post a sign and say 'no shoes, no service'. Doesn't that violate a homeless person's rights?
First I applaud you for running from the LDS cult.
Does not believe in any "caste" system for the afterlife (degrees of glory, eternally outcast→favorite children) Afterlife for a Christain is paradise with our Lord and Savior Jesus, in Life Eternal. All are the same; children of God...
For Christians. Was the flood real or just a myth?
I believe the flood was as real as the Bible says it was, as real as 600 thousand Israelites walking across the Red Sea on dry ground. And as real as Jesus defeating death on the cross and rising three days later! And for those eyewitnesses...
God's standards of Purity and Holiness are so far beyond our thinking.......
when we get to Heaven we will understand and also be Holy and pure. If you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit is working on us daily until we leave this earth. We will go into the grave with a sin scared bodies and be...
Here is evidence that every living, breathing soul can relate to; I read this just this morning in one of my devotionals.
Our hearts beats 72 times a minute, 100,000 times a day, 3,600,000 times a year. And, if I live what would be considered a “normal lifespan,” it will beat 2.5 billion...
The Trinity is certainly mentioned in the Bible! Read the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark. As Jesus, (the Son), came up out of the water a voice came from Heaven saying, You are my beloved Son, (spoken by God), at which time the Spirit descended like a dove. (the Holy Spirit) There are...