Yes, IMO any God worth worshipping would be a great whopping incomprehensible first cause who organized the whole system, about whom we can know nothing, as far beyond our understanding as quantum physics to a rock, without the slightest interest in our headgear or mating habits, to whom we are...
We don't generally consider that science can tell us about God. If you are theist, you would think that's because God is supernatural, and therefore outside the scope of science. If you're me, you think it's because God doesn't exist.
We probably are. So what? We're like rocks. We cannot even imagine what, if anything, it might be. Entire dimensions, reverse causation and impossible mathematics, in which it turns out the Big Bang is a tiny atomic collision inside itself. Who knows? If we're like rocks to it, we can't know...
I don't think you can apply the word "true" to a view. How would you show that nothing exists but that it can at least potentially be perceived with our sense?
1. The burden would be on the person asserting the existence of something that does not. This seems impossible to me.
2. For me, to...
1. Our historical experience is that science does tend to solve questions like this, eventually.
2. God of the Gaps theology leads you to a constantly diminishing God. I don't think you want that.
Oh thanks, you gave me a good laugh!
O.K., how do you know they are the cat "kind" and possum "kind?" btw, you do know that possums are marsupial, right?
I thought you thought a "kind" was a family, but now apparently it's any two creatures that look vaguely similar? Is that what a "kind" is?
So all laws are equally just, as far as you're concerned? There is no distinction at all, and any law that a given society may wish to enact is fine with you? Is that right?
And you have no morality and don't believe in morality?
I have yet to encounter atheist parents who bring their children to an atheist hall once a week to sing songs about how God doesn't exist, or who teach their children that they will suffer eternal torment if they decide that God does exist.
Yes, I did. That's why an atheist; I was raised Jewish.
I didn't assume anything. I said it should give them pause to question whether that might be the case. Which is certainly true, at a minimum. I don't think it's a coincidence that the people who think religion X is self-evidently true and...
Why? How would you know? If we don't have access to it through our senses, in what sense can it be said to exist, at least for us, and what difference would it make?
Why is this an argument for God? It might help if you define "God."
I don't think I know what you mean here, or what it has to...