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Search results

  1. J

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    Read John 3:16-18 that will clear alot of things up. Trinity teaches that they are all one being which the bible does not teach. Or some Trinitarians use John 1:1 which is classic however think of it this way the bible also states at Mark. 10: 7-9 " On this account a man will leave his father...
  2. J

    Can Christians fall from God's Grace

    When we look at things the way the bible says you cannot just look at one scripture and analyze that as the main point. Anyone can displease God and Jesus Christ. There countless examples of men and women of faith who fell and yet were forgiven for their actions. King David was one of those...
  3. J

    Why is homosexuality a sin

    Leviticus is not the only scripture that shows that homosexuality is something detestable to god. Look up Romans. 1:27 which says "and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently enflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is...