No..the word trinity is not mentioned once in the Bible.
Jesus is reffered frequently as the Son of God.
Some christians however twist and turn things to make it seem like they are Tri-une..just as a Father and Son are 'one' so are Jesus and God.
Yes thats what you like to believe. But its not a case of what you would like to believe - the truth is what matters. Yes would you like to show me some? Well you wouldn't know weather its proof or not if you haven't watched it :P
Well people have, but there is proof that he did :) If there was no evidence of Jesus existing and external sources of battles and events and people - most likely not. But we'r just 'if' ing again.
Well yes that is true there is the BoM and you have a church.
Let me refraise. Why is it up to your relatives to baptise you?
Im off to bed now :) night night
It is assumed that the man Paul knew died; the passage does not say so. Until it is proven that he did die, there is no warrant for the sweeping generalization that the souls of any righteous dead persons go to heaven.
It is assumed that to be in the third heaven is to be "with the Lord". Until...
Well considering the BoM has no external sources validating a single place, a single person or a single event - where as the Bible does. I'll stick to mine :)
So why is it up to your anscestors to baptise you?
Well think about it! Without the BoM what have you got?!
watch it.
But ofcourse who wants to go to Hell..when heaven is staring you right in the face.
Terrestrial and celestial bodies in the NT do not refer to the physical bodies of men or afterlife (1 Cor. 15:35-49).
Paul mentioned the "third heaven" but it was a reference to heaven itself (2 Cor. 12:1...
So it is then the foundation of your church.
Yes..maybe you should have a look at what the Christadelphians believe..we do have alot in common e.g Jesus is not God, there is no trinity, the 2nd coming etc.
Exactly so then why do you believe in going to an kingdom in heaven? The Bible by no means mentions is a LDS doctorine. Read Eph 4:5 (one baptism), Acts 22:16. (for your sins) 1Cor 13:8-13 (time of prophets and revelation is over)
So without the B.O.M what would you have? The Book of Bible? If there was no B.O.M around the LSD church would not be in existence..therefore it is the foundation of your church.
Ok so its Biblical in your B.O.M but not in the Bible..correct. Just the same as Polygamy isnt accepted in the Bible..but is okay in the B.O.M. So without the B.O.M what do you guys have?..the B.O.M is the foundation of your church..not the BIble.
Meaning there is no afterlife. Jesus comes back..sets up his Kingdom and we are all judged worthy or unworthy. Simple.
Proverbs 3:19 "In the swear of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou RETURN unto the ground: for out of it wast thou TAKEN: for dust YOU ARE, and unto dust YOU WILL...
So all children under 8 spend the rest of eternity in the terrestrial heaven? And all the people that lived BC either go to the Telestial or the Terrestrial? But then when the book of Mormon is discovered..God creates a NEW heaven? Doesn't make much sense - and isn't Biblical.
Okay.. but it doesn't matter if they didn't replenish the earth etc because God told them not to. Exactly so they would die and go where? The telestial heaven?..the terestrial heaven?..they certainly wouldn't go to the celestial heaven - because the B.O.M wasnt around!