If we think about how our species consists of only two sexes--male and female--then one must wonder how and where homosexuality would fit in. It's a subculture, and like someone had mentioned earlier, there have always been more heterosexuals than homosexuals. Given these facts, it's...
Knowing what will happen and controlling what happens are two different things. I think Elder James E. Talmage explains it best:
"...God reads the future of child and children, of men individually and of men collectively as communities and nations; He knows what each will do under given...
Inspite of all the changes that the legal definition of marriage has gone through, the constant between them can't really be ignored. Throughout time, one thing has never changed: "man and woman." Religious and racial prohibitions may have collapsed, but the underlying definition of...
Personally, I think you can get a lot more out of the scriptures to begin with. Reading scriptures is something you can do on your own and ponder privately, and in so doing, you eventually feel the Spirit. Before long, you find yourself at church, listening to and learning from talks and...
It's true, saying "If you were really a good Mormon..." or even "If you were really a good Christian, you'd believe..." is very un-Christlike; but I think it's tough to have a perfectly open mind towards varying beliefs within the same religion when its members are supposed to stand for the same...
Doesn't the act of being baptized indicate a person's belief in the church he/she is joining and the covenant to which that person is making with God? In a way, I agree with Nessa and Sojourner in their views of parents being responsible for teaching their children. Of course children should be...
Sometimes feeling offended and frustrated are difficult to seperate. I'll admit to feeling frustrated when someone rejects my religious beliefs because then I feel the need to explain them, to move the conversation to the point where we can both say, "Okay, I understand and respect your beliefs...
On the one hand, I agree that callings should generally not be turned down because more often than not, a calling is only turned down out of fear. It's very nerve-wracking to be approached with a new responsibility, especially one that you're not familiar with or don't see yourself enjoying. In...
Perhaps I wasn’t very clear in my original response, and I apologize. I didn’t mean to imply that my “chosen path [is] the only route to the truth,” but I can’t agree with you, either. So let me try again, if I can just change the terminology a little…...
I don't exactly understand calling by inspiration, either, because I've also known women who've been called to work with children when they knew they wouldn't be able to handle a room full of them. To appreciate children is one thing but to teach a number of them takes a certain individual...
What if the things that religions teach--the existence of gods or a God, an afterlife, a rebirth, spiritualism, etc.--exist whether or not we believe in them? What if the connections we feel to art and science, to each other, have something to do with the things you don't believe in? What if...
I've noticed a few posts in which personal choice--how many kids to have, when to have them, how to raise one's family, to work or not to work, etc.--have conflicted with posts regarding the belief that God has a particular plan for each of us, a plan that should not be meddled with.
I think...
Honestly--FLASHCARDS. Also, if you could write down the stuff you need to know, it might help your memory. For some reason, just the act of writing something helps a lot.
How exactly does nature determine all things? As human beings, I agree that we are naturally inclined to do things against God, to make mistakes or bad choices. Nonetheless, we do have free agency and nothing can determine an outcome except choice. Our free will and intelligence are the...
Although there definitely can be a conflict between religion and love, there shouldn't be. When two people agree to be together, they'll obviously have knowledge of their religious differences. Respect for each other's beliefs should obviously be the first thing agreed on; however, I think it's...
How far do you think Satan would go to affect your lives, to steer your wife away from the truth? I can see his influence in people who cringe and become hostile when someone starts to talk about the gospel...because how can people react so badly towards something so positive? In your case...
This is such a strange, strange thread...but I'll put my two cents in anyway ;)
Ugh, yes, there can be such a thing as too much and also too little sex. Too much is when you do it daily (out of boredom, usually), which takes all the excitement out of it. The motions feel the same and it...
Mr. Peanut, I'm not sure what you mean... You think trusting Christ is all people need to achieve a well-to-do spot in the afterlife (heaven; the celestial, terestrial, or telestial kingdom; whichever you believe)?
Back to Madhatter's post, I agree with many of the responses made on the first...
Maybe the title should be "Negative Reactions Toward the Gospel/Followers of a Faith/"the Righteous"...
I think this can be said of most people (religious or not) in general: people react negatively towards those who choose not to keep silent about the testimonies of their faith. It's as if...