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  1. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Still doesn't compare to the number of non-English speakers in the US. Eventually, there will be enough Spanish speaking people in the US that it will be declared a bilingual country like Canada. My argument is that on paper, there is no official language. However, I'm not blind and I'm not...
  2. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    If the cattle were sick, then they did lose value. If actual value is different from perceived value, how do you measure "actual value"? Hmmm... So it must be exchanged in order to gain value? Why isn't the paper itself worth anything? Because it's just paper. If it's gold-plated that...
  3. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    I love how these threads go in all these different directions. The original poster is probably thinking "What the heck are they talking about?"
  4. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    No. But that is completely different. In Canada, French was spoken just as commonly as English. There was no obvious choice. Yet no one has been able to clarify what it means to be an official language. The definitions are too sketchy. Some people think "official" means etched in stone. Let's...
  5. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    Based only on perception, not actual value, unless they were infected in which case the value did actually change. That's not the point I'm trying to make. I'm talking about the value of money and how it is really just a means of exchange. If you could exchange your man hours directly for...
  6. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Why would you ask that question? I definitely did not say mandatory equates to official. And yet you asked: This leads me to believe either you didn't understand what I said or you are trying to turn it into something different. Thank you, very much! :clap:clap:clap
  7. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Well clearly there was a need to make a declaration. Here, there is no need for that. There may be, soon, however. "Oh great! There is no official language so I can just go there and speak Swahili and be just fine." That's nonsense. If you come to the US you'd better be able to speak some...
  8. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    [/INDENT][/INDENT]How, exactly, does this support your claim? The actual people who live in America, the lawmakers, the immigrants who learn the language, they don't count as "proper authority?" Then who does? I just mentioned everyone in the US. You are clearly twisting or misunderstanding...
  9. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    Yes but in your examples, it was the actual thing that was harmed. In my example, I said something else was destroyed. The money would smell just as good as it did the day before, but now it would be backed by nothing. Unlike the cows and toilet paper, it would still exist. I don't think...
  10. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    To compare the goods themselves. Money just makes the barter system more flexible. If the US treasury was blown up tomorrow and there was nothing to back up the US dollar, I couldn't trade these bills for toilet paper. Yes but it's more direct. If you are using the money to pay a mortgage, why...
  11. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    No, not when one has been declared. But in the case of the US, there has been no declaration. If I was traveling from Africa to the US and asked "What language do they speak there?" the answer would be "English." Not, "Well, there is no official language so (blah blah blah)..." It's funny how...
  12. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    But in Canada's case, an official language was declared. Here it is just implied. If it was declared by congress tomorrow that Spanish was the official language, that would change everything. Two different scenarios. Besides, there is no North American Government.
  13. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    I never demanded free shirts. You can't demand free shirts because as we just agreed, the shirt has value. Money is unique and really can't be compared to a good or service. Lol. Agreed. However, the money is used to obtain other things. What if your company made your house payments for you...
  14. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    I touched on this a bit in my last post regarding the "value" of money. To make a shirt, it takes time, effort, and skill. These things all have value or worth. Money is simply paper used as a median in the exchange of goods and services.
  15. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Hey Buffalo is representing! I like the point you made. That's what I've been saying all along. In regards to Christianity, I brought up the point that English is not the official language by any written document but it is implied. Mestemia says it must be documented to be official. Guess what...
  16. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Who did I insult? If you're referring to my Canadian remark I'm sorry to inform you that I am from Buffalo, NY. I have walked across the Canadian border so many times that you could practically call me half Canadian. I feel I have a right to make that joke. No harm done. I wish I could call...
  17. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Now you're insulting me and I don't see the purpose in that. First look up the definition of official. Secondly, read what I typed. Lastly, get a clue. Give your definition. I gave mine from the dictionary. You are arguing but not really saying anything. Make a point. Back it up with facts...
  18. A

    The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.

    Good point. Not so sure about this one. Capital doesn't mean "has the most people" or whatever you were trying to imply here. BTW I love Toronto and think it should be the capital of the world. And what are you doing in this thread anyway you're not American! (I'm so sorry but I had to say it)
  19. A

    The Prohibition of Interest in Islam

    I don't plan on single-handedly changing this economy anytime soon. I just said it would be better for society as a whole. I think the world would be better if people stopped killing and raping too but that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and stop it all. To the simple question "Would the world...
  20. A

    Are you free?

    Well this is what I'm asking. How important are good deeds. I believe they are very important. And you're right, people in the world don't matter but by living in the world with you, they will obviously see your deeds. And certainly The Most High will. Furthermore if Christ is a person's...