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  1. eccentricjdo

    working with demons

    I have used the methods you described. I have killed many spirits. I "burned my demons with holy fire" a moment ago. It's working better than I expected. They're easier to kill than I thought. Thanks for your input.
  2. eccentricjdo

    working with demons

    I, myself, work with deities who are not, as you put it, "fluffy bunnies and sparkly rainbows". For example, I worship the Morrigan, phantom Lady of sex, conflict death, and terror. Though a lot of Wiccans whitewash her, she is as evil as she is good. Certain early Celts had a goddess of...
  3. eccentricjdo

    working with demons

    I am Wiccan and have no desire to convert to Satanism. However, I have come to the Theistic Satanism DIR with a question: How does one work with one's demons? I exorised and banished most of mine, and I don't know what to do with the rest of them. Fear seems to keep them in line. How do you...
  4. eccentricjdo

    Paganism - satanic or not?

    Practically none of us use rats' tails and frogs' legs; objects naturally have no inherent magickal properties. That you made such a statement, reveals that your knowledge of the occult comes from faery tales and cheesy horror flicks. You JW's really do socially isolate yourselves from the...
  5. eccentricjdo

    Paganism - satanic or not?

    Pegg, look up "logical fallacies" on Wikipedia. You're employing "reducto ad adsurdum". Of course, you JW's will probably disregard Wikipedia as "Babylon" -- except, of course, when Wikipedia content supports what you say. (Yes, I regularly read the Watchtower, and it's entirely based on...
  6. eccentricjdo


    (see: my Hyperapotheosis thread in the Theists forum. I put in the wrong forum, and would rather not duplicate it here, even if I could. Thread in question attempts an explanation of th origins of monotheism.)
  7. eccentricjdo

    Young-Earth Creationists vs. ["]Paranormal["] Events

    My original point of question was, "Why are YEC's, highly resistant to belief in anamolies in general, while switchimg off their critical faculties when it comes to embracing, as 'fact', all the "miracles" in the Bible?"
  8. eccentricjdo

    Do mainstream Christians, via use of jargon, avoid addmitting they practice magic?

    Upon my questioning Father Harry Potter of St. Augustine rectory in Michigan on the matter, I was informed that "transcendental magic", that is say, magic ability derived from alligning one's actions, thoughts, and words with one's deity, is an integral part of Christianity, or, at least, of the...
  9. eccentricjdo

    proof that neo-pagans are not of the Devil

    my point is this: The classic Christian arguement ("devil as deciever") against what i practice, qualifies as an unfalsifiable statement. So, let me get this straight: If you go before a judge in order to prosecute me based on an unfalsifiable theory, he or she would quickly laugh you out of...
  10. eccentricjdo

    proof that neo-pagans are not of the Devil

    "24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebub,d the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” 25Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not...
  11. eccentricjdo

    Jesus Story IS NOT Original.....

    see: Jesus vs. Krishna: similarities http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jckr1.htm
  12. eccentricjdo

    the writer of 1 Chronicles 21:1ff was a biased ideologue

    "Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel." I assert that it was not Satan's involvement in the aforementioned census that resulted resulted in his being named as the cause of David's actions, but, rather, the fact that the the historian who wrote Chronicles...
  13. eccentricjdo

    Those with christian backgrounds

    It all began less than five years ago when I noticed that the Bible and the churches were inconsistent in their views on the occult, for example divination is forbidden, yet the Jewish high priest was given the Urim and Thummim (Lights and Perfections), which were divinitory tools, and ordered...
  14. eccentricjdo

    Panentheism+belief in harmony+belief in the paranormal+heaven_&_hell_as_states_not_places= ?

    beyon for my cosmological and theological conceptions (which include the idea of a cyclical cosmology, I believe in a omnibenevolent demiurge, who is all-powerful, all-wise (but not necessarily omniscent) and present in everything. I refer to the good (not evil, as in Gnostic Christianity)...
  15. eccentricjdo

    Panentheism+belief in harmony+belief in the paranormal+heaven_&_hell_as_states_not_places= ?

    I believe that "God" is unceasingly the source of all existence, that is to say, of a inherently harmonious existence, as there is no conflict within the mind or being of "God". I believe that "God" is perfect conciousness, a cosmic entity with whom communion is, ideally, to be sought and...
  16. eccentricjdo

    Do mainstream Christians, via use of jargon, avoid addmitting they practice magic?

    Magic |maj-ic| the practic of effecting a desired result via the use of ritual and/or incantation; the practice of magic often invokes the name, favor and/or power of a supernatural being According to the definition above, do Christians practice magic? Yes, they do...
  17. eccentricjdo

    How would a typical human react to being forced to witness, from a distance, Earth expolding?

    What if you hadn't been abducted and still saw the Earth explode anyway?
  18. eccentricjdo

    Material panentheism?

    Is feasible a panentheistic reality that, at the fundamental level, exists by means of physical laws? I stronly think it is, but that may merely be my opinion for the time being, which is why I am posting this. I have been a panentheist long before I knew what it was called. I have also...
  19. eccentricjdo

    How would a typical human react to being forced to witness, from a distance, Earth expolding?

    Just how would you, personally, react to your being forced, by (a) hostile sentient organism(s), to watch, from a distance, the artificial detonation of earth?
  20. eccentricjdo

    Monolatritrism-Panentheism: My Belief System

    Basically, I am a material panentheist who worships one personal, neuter God who is the sentient superstructure of the multiverse. All gravitational events in this universe alter the gravitational contant in the divine superstructure, rendering God omniperceptive, while gravitational events in...