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  1. slave2six


    Personally, I think that such a lesson should take place on the edge of a very high cliff and there should be an in-class demonstration in which a snarky student should volunteer to disprove gravity...
  2. slave2six


    Just why is that feasible? Are you suggesting that god is pushing everything toward the ground or something? Seems like a lot of work to me.
  3. slave2six

    Proof that there will be Country Music in Heaven

    As if being a Yankee isn't punishment enough!
  4. slave2six

    Proof that there will be Country Music in Heaven

    Sheesh! Lighten up dude!
  5. slave2six

    Define "Inhuman"

    It's an interesting perspective, Cobbles. I wonder what Zambardo or Stephen think about terrorists and spies etc who are obviously manipulated by the orgs they represent. Do not such people also require an illusion of invulnerability in order to be manipulated? Is such an illusion required of...
  6. slave2six

    Fact and Fiction

    From The Mind's Past (Michael Gazzaniga - Neuroscientist) "There is a special device in the left brain, which I call the interpreter, that carries out one more activity upon completion of zillions of automatic brain processes. the interpreter, the last device in the information chain in our...
  7. slave2six

    What made you an atheist?

    Christianity made me an atheist.
  8. slave2six

    Where is God?

    What makes the Christian concepts of forgiveness and mercy sub-human is the Cross. Humans are able to forgive and even to reconcile with one another without any bloodshed, much less a human sacrifice, involved. And let's look at what you have to say about XY: So, if we are created in goodness...
  9. slave2six

    How could Adam know?

    Perhaps you would care to teach us all just what the whole story of the Garden was about?
  10. slave2six

    How could Adam know?

    Right! Certainly he can't go about blaming humans for being sinful if he's the one who made them so.
  11. slave2six

    How could Adam know?

    If I recall correctly, they angel with the flaming sword was placed as a security guard so that they wouldn't eat from the tree of life.
  12. slave2six

    Where is God?

    Really? So you don't pass a plate or have a box in the foyer or ever ask people to give you money? You don't tell people that they need to tithe? You must be in one of the only churches in the world that doesn't. And even if you don't how do you not "sell god"? If you must first weave a story...
  13. slave2six

    Where is God?

    So, if a believing a lie makes someone a better person then it is unassailable? Or if a system keeps people from thinking for themselves and yet those people are well-behaved then the system is good? I don't understand what you mean by "ruined." To me, the word applies to any system that is...
  14. slave2six

    Where is God?

    Yes they do. I still catch myself feeling like some invisible being is looking over my shoulder and evaluating everything I do. It's happening less and less, which is freeing. But, as you said, I am happy too. If not only for myself, at the very least I am able to teach my own children to...
  15. slave2six

    Where is God?

    I believe you are thinking of Kierkegaard:
  16. slave2six

    Where is God?

    Yes, the two tend to go hand-in-hand. Of course, to the parents they are simply prodigals and the thought that it is their fault that their children rebelled never occurs to them. More's the pity. Of course, for me the rebellion didn't occur until I was 43 so the term "PK" is a little...
  17. slave2six

    Where is God?

    Just who is? Seems to me that the Gospel-story Jesus had particularly scathing things to say against religious professionals in particular. Or perhaps you will simply dismiss those as the rantings of a frustrated and angry GK (God-Kid)...
  18. slave2six

    "Poor Joseph. God was a hard act to follow."

    Pretty pathetic when religious people resort to shock-marketing. Seems to me that the Biblical Jesus would have had some pretty awful things to say about these kinds of religious people. In fact, I can't think of any time that he didn't take a shot at the religious institutions in those stories...
  19. slave2six

    Where is God?

    In his book "Patience with God" Frank Schaeffer makes some powerfully insightful statements in this regard: This latter quote is true not only of evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity. I have yet to meet any professional Christian of any sect who did not operate from a position of "knowing"...
  20. slave2six

    Where is God?

    Yes. Whether intentionally or not, anyone who perpetrates such an odious doctrine as Christianity is either a charlatan or at best an unthinking fool. Certainly there are many very nice people who are under this system but that does not make the doctrines any less wrong. It's a strange thing...