I think it's a fair question because many ask it.
In science, there is dogma, there is faith.
There is no ritual. There is no baptism, no marriage, no funeral rites prescribed. There is no social function. Therefore science is not a religion.
Lots of people confuse religion with science...
edited to add: I think he would love that there's internet memes about him. I remember he made a website about himself with his face photoshopped onto Indiana Jones and ****.
Agree with him or not, I think he was one cool cat.
I don't really think the 600 Club going away had anything to do with Aquino. It was around long before he was a regular and for quite a while after he left us. I loved that he posted a lot and I felt kind of star-struck to have conversations with him, I don't think he was ever one of the main...
People who work on evolution call abiogenesis evolution. My own grad school classes taught abiogenesis as part of evolution. Abiogenesis research articles appear in evolution science journals. Please disagree with all that, because what I'm really trying to say is that when you argue with a...
Cartilage is not similar to bone.
edited to add: that is the answer, but not a satisfactory one. Bone is not derived from cartilage. Bone is alive. Bone feels pain. Bone has blood vessels. Bone has different kinds of cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts) that build and decay the crystalline...
I think creationists could argue better than they do with a bit more knowledge. For example:
-Science rules more or less say that you must be able to observe something to prove it. This eliminates the creation of life and the big bang from scientific proof. We will never be able to definitively...
I'd just like to add that I've been to the creation museum with open mind and it's not good for religious scholars like us. It does not argue for creationism, it's much more of a preaching to the choir situation. It's preaching the gospel with an occasional jab to the face of Science. And...
No, organic just means it's hydrocarbons. As opposed to metals or noble gasses. Or non-hydrogenated carbon like diamond, graphite, CO, CO2. If you add anything other than a molecule being a hydrocarbon, then you've gone beyond the scope of what Organic means in science and you should probably...
I can't answer your questions, but I have a cool and relevant, I think, story to contribute.
British Biologist Sydney Brenner had finished assembling a virus completely in vitro (in glass, synthetically) and wanted to go on to his next big question: How is an animal brain put together? The...
Organic is an archaic word that chemists themselves will say was made obsolete 100 years ago when someone synthesize an inorganic compound into an organic one.
For modern chemistry in general, organic does not refer to carbon based molecules, but hydrocarbon based molecules.
Everyone more than a month old uses lesser and greater magic multiple times daily.
I define magic as an attempt to use a non-physical power or force to accomplish your Will.
I define lesser magic as attempting to influence other animals including people, using your behavior and presentation...