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Search results

  1. melcollanero

    Is the Bible a historical document?

    Oh well, ok. So, you can conclude that, a man from ancient Middle East, some Yeshua, pretty common name in those places at the time, was a supermen who turned water into blood, opened the seas, cured every poor he went through, and the so many other miracles he is famous of. Apart from that he...
  2. melcollanero

    Is the Bible a historical document?

    Then saying most historians believe jesus most probably existed is false and offtopic.
  3. melcollanero

    Is the Bible a historical document?

    Most probably is that Jesus wasn't a real person, and so fictional.
  4. melcollanero

    Prove To Me That A God/Deity Exists

    I must say, that is of excellence. Applauses.
  5. melcollanero

    Prove To Me That A God/Deity Exists

    Then you would believe in that strings, lol.
  6. melcollanero

    The 613 commandments?

    About that the region is now known as Israel and his people Israelites, there is no doubt. I never mean the contrary or so. What I say is that 1200 BC there were no "israelites", and you should agree on that obligatorily, for it's the pure truth.
  7. melcollanero

    Prove To Me That A God/Deity Exists

    The proof that there is no proof to back some imaginatory existance in actual reality? If you state, then prove. If you can't, then my perspective is not invalidated at all.
  8. melcollanero

    The 613 commandments?

    Error or forgery on the Stele of Merneptah, known as Israel Stele » Joseph Davidovits It seems to be a falsification from what can be found in the Wiki pages.
  9. melcollanero

    The 613 commandments?

    Ok, If you quote the source then I can comprehend. But I can also make a statement as it can be biased information. Aside that, I.si.ri.ar reminds me of Syria, :). Maybe Egyptians called that way to nomadic people in actual Syria, but Israel? I do not see it feasible enough.
  10. melcollanero

    Prove To Me That A God/Deity Exists

    There's not and will not be a single piece of evidence in favor of some "god", unless that "god" is another word really. But as for the standard god look at the definition in the dictionary: "Supreme entity that in monotheist religions is considered the creator of the universe". So, If you...
  11. melcollanero

    The 613 commandments?

    Israelite version? Whatta, I thought Israel as country was "made" just in the last century. 1948 If you care. It would be more correct to say the Jewish version. But yes, the christian version came from the Jewish, but modified by Europeans. And the Jewish version from the Ancient Egyptians.
  12. melcollanero

    Is a Communist Utopia possible?

    Has it ever been tried to be achieved (the communist "utopia")? Because the communist societies doesn't seem to have been that "utopic", looks like never reached that status. Their leaders called their owned societies communist, but utopic? It wasn't "ideal" to all aspects of a society to...
  13. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    I know Hindus have more than 2 million gods in todays India. They have shown clearly more imagination than western civilizations as to made all kind of religions and gods. Doesn't surprise me they have had and still have religions like you has mentioned. The way the view religions varies from...
  14. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    Absolutely, but why would kill for something that suppossedly meant just the opposite. The religion has been involved in conquest and submission. Tell me why so much people rely on this as it were good. And we are talking about religion here.
  15. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    You have pointed another facet, the possibility to profit from religions. And that is neither good, when it's supposed money is aparted from "spirituallity". There are cases which just doesn't starting conflicts would be better, not causing trouble in a place and later going there to take...
  16. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    No need to be "religious" to be cooperative, besides, are those intermediaries? Such institutions can be easily heard as commercial, when there is a lot of people who rely on institutions when they act under "religious" names. May be that attract more people to donate? Do that move more moeny?
  17. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    And I would like to read such good things on religion. Why would be necessary, too. What valor has. Why desire for. I can only blame fact over past. And i can't also rescue a valuable thing about it.
  18. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    There's no reason to use gods in nohting, everything can be explained from other methods, If so. Maybe that quantity of deaths in wars involving or not some religion, have distinct reasons, but the most unreasonable is the one involving religion, which can be and should be discarded, when...
  19. melcollanero

    WSJ: Al Qaeda's War for Syria

    US people wouldn't like to be raided in their own land, the government should have empathy and stay the people under his command out the conflict, it only can set things worse. Damage has been done already. They will continue praising this and will get what they want. Their leaders are really...
  20. melcollanero

    Why all those burial atrocities, by thy holy cause, were performed?

    Then there is no god meant to save us or something. If there is a god, he awards the most cruel, the one capable of bring more deaths to his hated opponents. Unity never was what some superior force wanted for our race. Historical heroes are just sinners and suffer a life after this one If...