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Search results

  1. V

    The begining of life

    Except to make a cell(especially as complexity increases)would require at least several algorithms to take place, in extremely close proximity, in the right sequences, most likely several times. If the cell dies then the process would have to keep repeating=impossible odds. Mostly its not the...
  2. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    Rather than answer each response separately I'll answer it all in one. First, I studied many things(other than the Bible)over 46+yrs. This includes but is not limited to: Physics(& related fields), Electrical Theory&installation, Biology, Evolution, Electromechanical Engineering(machinery...
  3. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    Still Ev isn't provable. It is&will always be just a theory. The"facts"prove something but it isnt Ev. Its either Darwin's cell geniuses or an IDr created it all. Cells designing&creating millions of extremely diverse species is no more possible than giving a six month old baby many...
  4. V

    The begining of life

    First, even a simple cell itself is very complex. DNA is just a code but its still very complex even for simple cells. DNA doesn't know nor understand what it is, why it exists, how its constructed nor does it know what a cell is nor can it understand anything about a cell or what its for. It...
  5. V

    The begining of life

    I am quite aware that there are various tolerances(I also had mentioned the word tolerance)for all of the things I have mentioned&that in early earth history there were most likely more extreme &/or violent&other variants regarding the things I have listed here. However, these tolerance became...
  6. V

    The begining of life

    The Fossil record only proves that there were many, many species. It doesn't prove anything beyond that(appearance of something doesn't=its a fact). Again, w/o UNCUT film(not photos)starting from before the 1st signs of life to the present we can't prove what happened regarding how species came...
  7. V

    The begining of life

    It would be 1 thing if it was just 1or2 things but it took many things to get to the point that life could survive on earth: 1. Its in the right orbit, 2. Has the right speed around the sun, 3. The right axis, 4. The right spin speed, 5. It tilts so that the right hemisphere is facing the...
  8. V

    The begining of life

    I used to believe in Evolution(Ev) as it was taught in school(I had high marks in Biology). Later I revisited Ev while studying Physics, Electrical theory&Engineering. Fact must be separated from speculation. Too often, in various areas of science things get divided&treated as separate...
  9. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    It would be 1 thing if it was just 1or2 things but it took many things to get to the point that life could survive on earth: 1. Its in the right orbit, 2. Has the right speed around the sun, 3. The right axis, 4. The right spin speed, 5. It tilts so that the right hemisphere is facing the...
  10. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    Fluid hydraulics&flow dynamics of water is much different than that of molten rock or lava for interaction with earth's crust, mantle&huge amounts of water, which acts as coolant to help keep the mantle layer from eating much larger holes through the crust. Also, a world-wide flood requires God...
  11. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    List a few here so I can look at them. This I am sure of: A global flood occured. The Bible shows Pangaea did exist-Gn1:9. To move large continents great distances takes a huge amount of water at extremely high water pressure below&btwn continents-Gn7:11. Tectonic plate movement, continental...
  12. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    46+yrs I have studied the whole Bible, some parts many times. God knew many would try to twist His word so He used an unchangeable system in redundancy. God's 66 legitimate Bible books forever bind God's foundation, structure, mindset and one true message to His OT&NT eternal truth. Neither God...
  13. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    Sad isn't it. Jesus came for them and many didn't know. Many were too engrossed in other things and superficial belief in God, going through the motions but they were not intent on personally getting to know their real Father (Is 29:13). Had they been seeking to know their true Father they would...
  14. V

    Is Islam "untrue"?

    No, its not equal, especially when Jesus is demoted &/or omitted (see below). All men are capable of violence. As I said before, under the OT law, if you were violent, but not for reasons commanded by God (breaking God's Laws-laws are ridged as are its penalties, specifics spelled out in the OT)...
  15. V

    Is Islam "untrue"?

    In a worldly setting there has always been violence b/c man is imperfect. prone to violence b/c each human has as part of his make-up freewill, self-preservation&to 1 degree or another greed, anger, jealousy, pride, fear, etc. & Cain killed his brother Abel. An artist creates many things, some...
  16. V

    Who is/was our ancestor in the begining ?

    OK, so then it applies to both: viruses&cells r useless w/o DNA&DNA w/o either. Theres lots of things that could end life long before the sun does us in. The fact that we happened to be in a more or less fairly stable environment this long is amazing when you consider the number of things that...
  17. V

    If the Big Bang was proved false what alternatives would evolutionist have?

    The structure of science may be sound but often fact is merged with speculation. Fact must be separated from speculation. The Big Bang(BB) can never be proved&Evolution(Ev)isn't true. God(only a spirit can exist in nothing-undetected&only a spirit can occupy true infinity=360deg-anything that...
  18. V

    Is Islam "untrue"?

    God doesn't bypass eternal truth-if u do it=no Heaven. If today u find an orig Qoran-proved 2 b a perfect copy of today's Qoran it wouldn't be anymore true than the 1st official text=its not worth paper its written on. What Jesus taught came from OT(validates NT)-NT explains OT truth-whole...
  19. V

    Is Islam "untrue"?

    Its completely untrue but ppl confuse truth(offends many)&hate. All men can hate under any title but Qoran verses allow violent ppl more excuses to kill ppl seen as opposing/insulting its beliefs. Sadly Muhammad is a false prophet=Allah doesn't exist(Prv30:4)=Islam's a scam(eternal truth can't...
  20. V

    why can't we have a relationship with other men?

    Christians are not supposed to hate anyone but we must be intolerant of gross sin while being aware that no man can live w/o breaking God's eternal Law (why we need Jesus for forgiveness). However, often people confuse telling the truth (it offends many though) and hateful behavior. Gay behavior...