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Search results

  1. Sir_Loin

    Credibility of Ancient Greek information?

    As we know, much of what we know about the ancient Greeks comes through the careful analysis of the Iliad and the Odyssey- two of Homer's epics. But what credibility do these sources hold? Who's to say that "Homer" wasn't very accurate.. He was supposed to be blind after all.. So perhaps he...
  2. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    Also, I just want to clarify. I know that my "math doesn't add up" to most of you. Dealing with God is dealing with the supernatural. Something that isn't ordinary. He isn't bound by the common laws and rules He has set up!
  3. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    Of course they aren't! Humans have limited capacity and will always have limited knowledge- not knowing the bigger picture. But God has unlimited capacity. He has to to have been able to create something out of nothing.
  4. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    I'm sorry- I should have clarified. When most people talk about Evolution they generally mean macro-evolution. I do understand the difference between both! Micro-Evolution or Adaptation is a change that happens within a species and happens due to the needs of the organism. This was best shown...
  5. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    And what evidence do you have from your Old Earth that this didn't happen? Or is it because it's in the Bible that you don't BELEIEVE there was? Or are you all-knowing? I don't think we should go here.. Because the Bible was inspired by God. It was written by humans, but inspired by God!
  6. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    I'm sorry. Apart from the Creation story..
  7. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    ...reasonable. Meaning that I can be reasoned with. Learn2English. With a couple of examples that are disputed.. Ha ha! Please explain what happened! *You *than Also, to your last quote: Because the Bible isn't wrong. Nothing is scientifically wrong with the Bible. Also most religions are...
  8. Sir_Loin

    there is NO evidence AGAINST Evolution...

    I will come out a little here. With updated details :) The reason I 'agnosticised' myself was due to the fact that I wanted to have a proper discussion with someone without being shunned. Anyways, as a mathematician and believer, I can know that Evolution is absolutely improbable and as a...
  9. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    That's the ticket! Hard atheists do infer this.. The definition of an atheist is: "a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings" ; and that's it. And don't start giving me this "lack of disbelief" lecture- I've heard it before. This is something that atheists...
  10. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    :facepalm: You're talking about Agnostic Atheists, not hard-line atheists..
  11. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    ...well alright-y then! You're implying that an agnostic is an optimist.. not different things/beings.
  12. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    The problem with Russell's Teapot is that it is known that this idea was a figment of one person's imagination... and that person proclaimed it to be false principle. When only one person has a belief about something, such as LuisDantas' Throne of Denmark claim- this person will be seen as a...
  13. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    Not associated- but seemingly similar.. An atheist actually believes there's no God. An agnostic actually believes that we can't disprove a God- however unlikely it may be..
  14. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    ... What did I just read??
  15. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    Monotheism- belief that there is one God. ...meaning you're either Islamic, Jewish, Sikh or a Christian. (All monotheistic religions; there are others but they are very small and you probably don't have a connection with them) ^either that or you have come up with your own god and you might...
  16. Sir_Loin

    Do atheists actually exist?

    Stop fooling yourself. In this thread and in this context, yes it does. Agnostic reporting in, Well of course there are people who call themselves "atheists", however one can't really know whether or not there is a god or gods. No human is omniscient. No computer is omniscient (well...
  17. Sir_Loin

    Metallurgical Evolution

    Of course, I don't believe that man became skilfull with all metals from point-go, but I believe that man became skilfull with soft metals, then harder metals and so on and so forth. Side Note: The text in the OP is an exerpt from a textbook- I decided to post it here to have a friendly...
  18. Sir_Loin

    Metallurgical Evolution

    Scientists have us believe that man first made use of softer metals such as copper during the Copper Age. This was followed by the use of a copper alloy, bronze, which occured during the Bronze Age. Then, as man evolved intellectually, he discovers how to use iron, bringing the Iron Age...
  19. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    ^that and the fact that there are no transitional species..
  20. Sir_Loin

    An unreasonable debate...

    Hello? Right here! I have so many problems with Evolution but I'm not a God person. That's one of the problems I have, and no one can explain it to me..