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Search results

  1. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Do Bahais believe that Jesus (pbuh) resurrected back to life after death on the cross?
  2. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Excellent point, and one that is validated by this verse of the Holy Quran . . . Say, ‘If Allah had so willed, I should not have recited it to you nor would He have made it known to you. I have indeed lived among you a whole lifetime before this. Will you not then understand?’ Who is then more...
  3. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Walaikum Salaam (And Peace be Unto You) Any reference to godhood with the messengers is very rare in Islam and Judaism and there is no doctrine or centrality on the concept. The concept such as in the verse of Psalms is only taken in the sense that messengers from God are backed by God’s power...
  4. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    The apostles were Jews and regarded themselves as Jews. To me, it is inconceivable they would have attributed divinity to Jesus in the sense that the Greeks did although Greek mythological influences did penetrate some Jewish traditions. The first commandment in the Torah states that Thee shall...
  5. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Sir, I don't feel it would add anything to argue further on points-of-view. If you feel that religion is something where two fundamentally opposed doctrines can be preached to two groups (Jesus the prophet/messiah to the Israelites vs Jesus the God to the Gentiles) and two fundamentally opposed...
  6. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Sorry, i just realized that you had asked in above quote if there are any historical accounts about Jesus being in India. Below are some, these are not all in India as he is believed to have traveled throughout East Asia in search of the lost tribes > > According to researcher Holger Kirsten...
  7. ameraz1

    Who is Second Coming of Jesus? Is it literally Jesus himself? Or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

    Kindly refrain from making comments unless you have substance to illustrate what evidence you are alluding to and offer some level of argument on your conclusions.
  8. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    He did not ultimately reject the hadith regarding the Mahdi, he said that they are not central and that Mahdi is a generic reference to figures who are heavenly guided, he said that latter-days Messiah is the prominent term. Yes, the one termed in prophecy as Jesus, Son of Mary is a prophet...
  9. ameraz1

    Who is Second Coming of Jesus? Is it literally Jesus himself? Or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

    Abraham (Brahma) and Sara (Sarawati) > Brahma and Abraham: Divine Covenants of Common Origin | Rainbow Warrior - Academia.edu Claps!
  10. ameraz1

    Who is Second Coming of Jesus? Is it literally Jesus himself? Or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

    Pakistan is still the most populous Ahmadiyya country (est. four million). Yes, what you say of freedom in India is true and goes to its credit. My view is that appearing Allah or Bhagwan in his grace would sent Krishna at a more timely hour so those who care can get strength from his coming...
  11. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Thank you for those words of grace and for sharing this wonderful prayer.
  12. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    We don't follow scholars, we follow the prophet Muhammad (sa) and the Holy Quran. Take a look around you and see what following the scholars has wrought . . . “The Messenger of Allah –may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- said: Terror and dismay will appear in my Ummah. The people...
  13. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    1) Let’s begin with the prayer-duel or mubahila with Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and the quote from Majmauai Ishtiharaat that the liar dies in the lifetime of the truthful. I encourage you to have that excerpt translated independently from someone. It actually is speaking against this notion of...
  14. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Kindly refrain from making comments here unless you have something substantive to say
  15. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    Raph, I have looked at just one of these and one has to read a page or two or around the quoted text to get the full context of what is being said. However, I will have to translate it and then provide reference if you want to have it translated independently. It will take me some time to do...
  16. ameraz1

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad vs Bahaullah..who is the real Mahdi..

    In orthodox Judaism, Jesus (pbuh) is recognized as a false prophet. In orthodox Christianity, Muhammad (pbuh) is recognized as a false prophet. Welcome to the club > Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by...
  17. ameraz1

    Who is Second Coming of Jesus? Is it literally Jesus himself? Or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

    Can you please provide the book & page reference. So, if the prophetic age has ended with Muhammad (pbuh), and now is the day of the Lord with Bahaullah manifesting as God, how is Bahaullah making a claim to be the Messiah? How do you reconcile that?