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Search results

  1. S

    Before You Ask, "Does God Exist?"...

    It is not useful to ask the question ' Does God exists?. The useful question could be ' Does unconditional love exists?. If unconditional love exists then God exists because God is unconditional love. Only when we experience or manifest unconditional love then we discover that God exists. The...
  2. S

    Atheists: Why Shouldn't We Follow Jesus?

    Following Jesus Christ means following the Truth. The Truth that Jesus Christ lived was described as the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the transformation of our lives. It is transition from 'I' to God, from my life to God's life, from my actions to God's actions, from my children to...
  3. S

    Member of a Catholic Ashram in South India. Very interested in inter-religious dialogue...

    Member of a Catholic Ashram in South India. Very interested in inter-religious dialogue, particularly in Hindu-Christian dialogue.
  4. S

    Economic consequences of Evolution vs. Creation.

    The creationism and the theory of evolution need not be contradictory but they can be complimentary. The scripture is not science it deals with the meaning and the purpose of life. The story of creation is a parable: it tells human beings that they are in the image and likeness of God and they...
  5. S

    Let's talk about Satan

    I do not believe in an entity called Satan, independent of God. There is only one God or infinite being and that infinite being is absolute good. Absolute good is that which does not have an opposite called evil. The Good that has an opposite called evil is relative good. Where there is relative...
  6. S

    What Makes You A Christian?

    A CHRISTIAN is one who lives in the fullness of the love of God manifesting in the fullness of the love of neighbour. A 'Christian' is one who is striving to grow into the fullness of the love of God and fullness of the love of neighbour. Jesus Christ was a CHRISTIAN because in him the love of...
  7. S

    What are your opinions on Anti-Theism?

    Atheism may be mild expression of antitheism. Atheism is the deep longing of the human heart to free itself from the God of history,authority and religions and discover tbe God of freedom and eternity.
  8. S

    Do you believe in hell? If so, what would it be like?

    We have two aspects in us. One that comes from God and another that is born of ignorance. The first we call the image and likeness of God and the seclnd is the human soul. The soul is combination of both spiritual and material,good and evil. The purpose of life is to trascend the soul and...