Yep, this.
Yes, and this personal relationship is what I try to be more focused on, while talking to the kids about Jesus, while trying to have them "meet" him (or better, recognize him).
Disclaimer: being a non-English mothertongue, it can happen that I chose some uncorrect word. I'm not...
As I said in another topic, I've been asked to be part of the team is guiding and coordinating a series of meetings in my local Parish about the Evangelii Gaudium, the 2013 apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis.
It came from a precise request by the Pope to Italian Episcopal Conference; he...
I agree with it, at all.
I've been working on some event about Evangelii Gaudium and I think it can teach us a lot.
Teach and also show us a way (I'd say an attitude, better) can be useful not only in evangelising, but also in dealing with fundamenalists etc., other confessions'...
Saint Rita from Cascia.
My grandmother was very devoted to her and I feel, now that she's died, Santa Rita makes me feel like I still have my grandma with me.
Good topic.
Here where I live there are very few adult altar boys. It's done almost always by kids and boys from 7 to...Say, 16 y.
We have, say, 15 altar boys ("chierichetti"), if I understood the role you've been talking about.
@Revoltingest: well, this is corruption [emoji4][emoji56]
@Katzpur: my passion for mormonism may seem strange to most, but I find your culture fascinating and intriguing.
I've been a huge "fan" of LDS (I mean, as a subject for readings etc) for some years now and last year, being there for a...
Thanks for your warm welcome.
Have been reading some thread and I think this forum will give me the chance to talk about religious and doctrinal topics it's not easy to talk about in my everyday life.
Plus, I'd like to tell the story of how I came close again with my faith after years spent far...
Thanks @Terese and @Laika, I hope I'll do, although I feel a bit "shy" when I am new in a forum [emoji56]
Also, I'm not an English mothertongue but I hope this don't generate any misunderstanding while posting and discussing.
Hi everybody, I'm from Italy and have been following this forum for some time.
Been raised as a Catholic, came to declare myself "atheist" at the age of 15, but then I came back two years ago to believe and being part of the Catholic Church.
Involved in the local parish and oratory, I'm a very...